Family names and related posts

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Cooke / Dreamer Family Album

An assortment of snaps from before the household moved to their new place:

Julien Cooke's very first house when he arrived in New Maximiliania:
Soon afterwards, he met and fell in love with Patricia Wan:

When she moved in with him and he agreed for her best friend Cleo Shikibu to join them, they needed to find a bigger place:
There was plenty of room here, even enough for a sewing corner in Julien's bedroom:
He soon made beautiful curtains for the house:
Julien and Patricia were married on a sunny spring day:
 Julien was the happiest man in the world:
It was at their wedding party that Julien's friend Darren Dreamer first set eyes on Patricia's best friend Cleo:
 Soon, Darren became a regular guest... not of his old friend Julien's, but of his new friend Cleo ;-)
 Eventually, it was decided that he and his teenage son Dirk move in with Cleo and the Cookes. They celebrated with sparkling wine and lunch meat sandwiches:
 Darren persuaded Dirk that college was his best option if he wanted to advance quickly in the education career and reach his lifetime want of becoming Education Minister:
But he was still there when his Dad married Cleo Shikibu:
 It was not long afterwards that Julien was kidnapped by Aliens and returned pregnant. Nine months later, he gave birth to Cedric:
Cedric's birthday: 
Julien teaching Cedric to walk: 
Cedric growing up into a child:
Now he was allowed to have Dirk's old room while he was at college:
Patricia helped Cedric with his homework:


  1. Wow, a ton of fun. I was just playing Cedric in my megahood and I was curious what happened with him in your hood. I am nearly done with his first round and will be putting up a post before long.

    1. I am looking forward to seeing what the Cooke family does in your hood!


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