Family names and related posts

Monday 2 September 2024

The Picaso Family: Week 1

Here at 111 East Pleasure Path in Desiderata Valley, we have a couple who, according to Maxis, should be super happy, since according to Maxis, "Matthew has found his soul mate and Jessica has found hers! Now that they are married where should they live? Should they focus on careers or creating a family first?

They are Matthew and Jessica Picaso, of course, and currently both part of the Valley's Elite Forces. That's where what they have in common ends: While Popularity Sim Matthew dreams of owning 5 top level businesses, his wife's lifetime want does not quite match her Family aspiration - she sees herself as a Rock Goddess. 
His bio reads: "Matthew has led a simple life surrounded by family, friends, work and his favorite games. Now that he and Jessica have found each other he's finding that there is so much more to life!" And hers: "Jessica is so happy to have found Matthew! Now that they are married there are so many decisions to make! Where will they live? What will they do?
We already know the answer to the first question, and will find out about the second very soon.
The modest house they bought is barely furnished, not fit for a couple. But they still have almost 16,000 Simoleons left, and instantly do what is necessary to make the place livable. As is so often the case, IKEA comes in handy with their budget, and they use part of their remaining 10,000 Simoleons to open Matthew's first business, a home business called "Picaso's Pictures". 
Elizabeth Aspir, Sanjay Ramaswami and Elizabeth's father-in-law Luis Aspir could very well become the first customers, having just arrived to welcome the young couple to the neighbourhood. 
But everyone seems to be a lot more interested in Jessica's vegetable soup than in the small selection of pictures Matthew offers in what was meant to be the living room of the house.
"Never mind, it's early days yet," Jessica comforts her husband before they go to *ahem* sleep that night.
On Tuesday morning, the shop gets its first real customers. 
And Jessica brings another one - her colleague is curious as to what pictures there might be, and comes home with her after work. (So far, Jessica has not found an opening in the music career, and keeps her current job until then.) 
Matthew is busy with talking to customers, manning the till and restocking all on his own until Jessica has had a shower and relieves him so that he can at least get something to eat. Yep, it's hard work starting a business. 
But although you wouldn't guess from his face, this man has just informed Matthew that he finds "Picaso's Pictures" top notch and will write a positive review for The Valley Chronicles. 
That and the fact that the business is now at Rank 2 certainly deserves a toast! 
Wednesday is another busy day, with customers queuing to buy "Picaso's Pictures". It is always nice to spot playables among them, such as Tara Kat today, and Nathan Gavigan yesterday.
The queue proved to be too long for one of the customers, though, and she leaves without making a purchase. Matthew is lucky in that his business does not lose rank. He closes for a couple of hours, puts everything back in order, has a meal and a shower and then re-opens for a "special night sale" which results in Rank 3.
Thursday is Jessica's first day in her music career - as a Record Store Clerk. Well, she's got to start somewhere. Before work, she has put in an hour of restocking her husband's shop and now goes to work, clipboard and pen still in hands :-D 
Oh dear... she took the wrong decision with a chance card and did not only get an unpleasant talk from the record store's manager, but was even fired! 
Poor Jessica is really unhappy about this and turns to her husband for support, which he willingly gives. 
Not only to take her mind off things, but also because her help is really needed, she spends good part of the afternoon restocking. Meanwhile, Matthew gets his bronze badge at the cash register. 
On Friday morning, Matthew has to get everything ready on his own - Jessica has got her job back and leaves for the Record Store at 9:00. 
Today, three playables pay "Picaso's Pictures" a visit: Robert Kim, Nathan Gavigan and Trisha Traveller. 
"Thank Heavens I got no chance card today!" Jessica's relief at returning from work not only without a bad decisionunder her belt, but also with a promotion, is palpable: She is now a Piano Tuner. 
Fortunately, the business was closed and no customers were on the premises when lightning struck the telescope in the back garden. Even more fortunately, the flames were quickly put out by the rain. But of course the Picasos both needed a shower now, and it took Matthew a while before he could open again for another of his successful "Late Night Sale" events, bringing the business up to Rank 4. 
Jessica helps with the shop whenever she can, but she also has her own career to think of. That evening, she retreats to the cosy reading corner in their bedroom and studies mechanical.
Her diligence is rewarded on Saturday when she is promoted to Coffee Shop Sound Engineer. 
Back home, Matthew receives a call from the reporter who had written the good review earlier in the week. This fits nicely with his wish to get another good review - maybe making a friend of the reporter will help. 
After the last customer has left for today, the couple finally sit down together for bowls of Jessica's vegetable soup. "I am so proud of you, Jess," Matthew says. "And I of you, Matt," she replies.
It is almost 10:00 on Sunday morning before Jessica and Matthew stir. They have really been working hard all week and deserve to sleep in - especially since it is going to be another working day for both of them. Luckily, Jessica's job only starts at 1:00 pm, and Matthew can of course open and close his shop as he wishes. 
Their well-rested approach pays off when later that day, Matthew not only brings his business up to Rank 5 but also receives a "Best of the Best" award (proudly displayed on the counter) and another good review in The Valley Chronicles.

 I enjoyed playing these two more than I thought. It was a challenge to have Jessica pursue her own career while helping her husband as much as she could, but after a somewhat rough start, they both did well. One thing they really need to improve though is friendships; although they talked on the phone to acquaintances every day, it took them ages to even make one friend in spite of there being more than enough relationship points.


  1. What a great round for the Picaso's! I love the choice of home business, will Matthew choose 5 different businesses I wonder and if so I shall look forward to his choices!
    It's hard to do everything isn't it? Friends are harder I think to maintain on the phone, which is why I love smart glasses. :D
    Nice to see them happy and together in your game, :)

    1. They didn't roll specific wishes about each other, but Jessica did want to woohoo, and they were just really nice together.
      I am not sure yet whether I will have Matthew buy a business lot or do everything from home; the community lot method means that a round takes so much more time...
      So far, I still have not used the smart glasses - I keep forgetting!


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