Family names and related posts

Saturday 20 July 2019

The Sims 4: The Da Silva Household - Week 2

Can you believe that it is four and a half years in real life since I last played this household? If, like me, you want to refresh your memory of what went on in Week 1, simply click on the label "TS4 - Da Silva" and scroll down to the first post.

Andre Da Silva still lives in the house given to him by EA:

What has changed during his first week is that he found a friend who moved in with him, Giuliana Riley. She was a townie, but of course with that surname she simply had to become playable! There is a big age difference between the two friends, and no romantic interest on either side.

Andre's aspiration is all about computers, and he spends a lot of time programming. On this Monday, the computer needs repairing. Aspiring Computer Whiz Andre would never let anyone else do the job!

Emma Boswer has been visiting every day last week. It looks like she is keeping up the tradition this week, too!

Tuesday morning sees Giuliana having a lone breakfast while Andre is still asleep. Just like last week, they take turns using the bed; when the bed is occupied by one of them and the other one gets too tired, they autonomously nap on the settee or even the bench near the road.

When Andre is up, he gets buzzed by Giuliana - she needs it for her aspiration of becoming Chief of Mischief. He laughs; as they are friends, she can be nearly as mischievious with him as she wants, and he'll just take it in his stride.

Emma asks to come over. She and Andre become best friends - and I only just now realise she is a teen, which explains the lack of romantic feelings between the two of them. I honestly would not have thought her so young.

Finally, Andre is focused enough to achieve his next milestone: play a video game for two hours straight. Look at the screen :-) 
(In case you can't make it out: It is from the first Sims game, two Sims sharing a heart-shaped hot tub.)

Wednesday morning, it is Giuliana's turn at the computer. She trolls the forums for a while. Then I send her out to harvest flowers and go fishing. She also picks some flowers, harvests a shrub of sage and digs up a ruby...

 ...and a time capsule - my first! I wonder what*s in it.

It's a figurine from "My Sims", and it can make Sims playful when they are near it.

Later that day, Giuliana reaches another milestone - she has trolled the forums enough times for a while.

On Thursday, Andre returns from work with his first promotion.

After dark, Bob O'Malley comes visiting. He is one of two romantic interests in Giuliana's relationship panel, the other one is Mr. Kim, another playable Sim, and elderly like Giuliana.

By Friday morning, Giuliana has found a second time capsule. It contains another My Sims figurine. And what's this next to the two figurines?

A potion of youth! She bought it with aspiration points. Drinking it makes her lifetime bar go back to the start of elderhood. (I did this because the game informed me that it was almost "her time", and I was advised to make the most of her remaining days. It seemed I've hardly had enough time to get to know her, and so I decided to have her drink the potion.)

On Saturday, Bob O'Malley rings and asks Giuliana for a date, and they meet at Salty Paws Bar. It is my first visit to this lot.

Outside, Giuliana meets and greets a group of cats.

In the bar, the mixologist impresses the crowd with his tricks. Bob and Giuliana have a mint-flavoured cocktail. There are several playables at the bar, and a handful of townies.

This is the first time I see seagulls in the game! Giuliana can chase or scare them. They fly off, and she gains some fun. Notice the luminescent socks/boots on the dog walking in the backrground!

Back home, Andre has been having a lone dinner, consisting of a bowl of salad, and works at his side job of programming an app.

Sunday seems to be visiting day at the Da Silva house. First, Vernon Fenton knocks and is invited in...

...followed by these two ladies whose names I'm afraid escape me at the moment. Needless to say, Emma Bowser has invited herself again, too.

The week ends for Andre and Giuliana with a few milestones under their belts, old friendships strengthened and new ones started. Money-wise, they are now just above 20,000 Simoleons; maybe enough to move to a bigger place next round, where they do not need to arrange their sleeping times in shifts.


  1. Sehr schön, dass Giuliana Riley den Weg in die Nachbarschaft gefunden hat. Das war eine gute Idee mit dem Jugendtrank. Viel Spaß mit ihr. :)

    1. Danke :-) Ich bin gespannt, wie es mit ihr weiter geht!

  2. How are you finding the shift from TS2 to TS4? I love that they can chase seagulls! I haven't played 4 since the base came out, do you have any extra packs?

    1. I find TS4 more complex to play. Some things are definitely easier, such as making friends, while I find fulfilling some of the aspirations/wishes more difficult. My Sims seem to tire and get hungry much quicker in TS4 than in TS2.
      The only extra pack I have so far is the pets one, but I'll put the career one and the seasons one on my wish list for Christmas. I have seen pictures and descriptions of gameplay with them on other blogs and think I'd enjoy that.


Whether you play The Sims 2 yourself or not, it would be great hearing from you. As I will reply to comments regularly, please remember to come back if you have asked a question.