Family names and related posts

Friday 24 May 2024

Mercutio Monty: Freshman Year

As promised, after our time at the Monty Ranch, we are now going to accompany Mercutio Monty through his Freshman Year. He has of course chosen to study at Académie Le Tour, and here is Boggs Hall Dorms, where he has been assigned a room. 
I didn't realise how far out of Veronaville the academy actually is - Mercutio arrives late at night. 
But there are still some visitors around: Jonah Powers is working on an assignment in the very room Mercutio has claimed... 
...while Mitch Indie quietly contemplates life in one of the downstairs common rooms... 
...and Carl Cho is having a late meal all on his own in the canteen.
Alan Riley is clumsily practising some dance moves upstairs, while nobody is watching.
Last but not least, Tybalt Capp is here the only other playable resident student at this dorm, working hard on his Term Paper. He is now in his Senior Year, and will leave uni before Mercutio's first year ends. Will the two get along? 
Because it is too late to phone back home or do anything really, Mercutio decides to get started on his creativity - as a future Rock God, he can certainly do with that skill!
Later, he eats the one bowl of mac & cheese left for late arrivals like himself in the otherwise empty canteen. (Only Carl's empty bowl is still on the table.)
He catches Tybalt just as the older student has finished his paper and is about to go to bed. "We may never become best friends for life, but I guess it won't hurt to put the old stories from our grandparents behind and behave civily, don't you think?" 
(This is what really happened: When Mercutio first arrived, he wanted to "poke" Tybalt. After I had him painting for a while, he suddenly wished to "chat" with him instead - and as soon as their conversation started, the "enemy" sign disappered.)
Mercutio's first class only starts the next afternoon, and so he has all morning to work on his first ever painting. Tybalt is also in the room, playing darts on his own - they are not exactly talking, but an amicable silence is certainly something. 
Mercutio was not a super student at school, but he brought along his own computer and completes his Term Paper the evening after his first class. "That wasn't so bad - or so hard," he tells himself.
Meanwhile, Tybalt has been followed around the dorm by Mark Royce, who also has a room here and - if I remember correctly - is a member of the Secret Society. He initiates to "hang out" with Tybalt... 
...and joins him for breakfast the next morning. Too bad this is Tybalt's last year here! (By the way, I am still convinced that Consort Capp would have had something to say about his grandson walking around in a semi-public environment like the dorm's canteen like this, barefoot and in his PJs!)
Mercutio makes frequent calls to friends and family back in Veronaville to give them the full report on how well he has been settling into college life. 
It starts to snow towards the end of term, and feeling well prepared for their exams, Mercutio and Tybalt share a taxi to Loungarama Leisureland for some well deserved fun and a change of scene.
Many students are here, and the boys are spoilt for choice of activities and conversation. 
In between, Tybalt has to nip off to his exam - Mercutio's will start later. He returns a few hours afterwards with his usual serious face, but really he has done very well and is now about to start his very last semester ever.
Mercutio thinks he should not let the chance pass and picks up the bass in the music room of The Lounge. He wants to become a Rock God, after all! Tybalt joins him at the drum kit, and the two of them start performing. To be honest, they are not very good... 
...but once another student joins them at the guitar, they gain something of an audience and even collect some modest tips. 
Back at the dorm, Mercutio is off to his end of term exam, and returns with an A+ and the full grant. Well done! 
Now that he has experienced college life for a whole semester, Mercutio feels he knows what he wants and settles for Political Science as his Major. Not what I would have chosen with a lifetime want to be Rock God, but that's our Sims for you - their wishes do not always follow logic, do they! 
As before, Mercutio is one of the first students this semester to hand in their Term Papers. He really didn't think college was so easy...! (We'll see how he copes when there will be a lot of skilling to do in the next three years.) 
Blond hair is one of the things he finds attractive in a lady, and one of his professors happens to have long, blond hair - and she rings to hear how he's been getting on with his assignment. Is there something going on? No; at least not yet, and I don't know if there will be anything more than friendship.
A rare smile on Tybalt's sour serious face shows how glad he is about never having to write another Term Paper in his life ever again! 
By now, the two former enemies are not friends yet, but can hold a conversation without any awkwardness. 
Speaking of blond ladies, Roxie Sharpe happens to walk by the dorm and is greeted by Mercutio. They get along well, but Rox is of course living with her boyfriend, Jonah Powers, and that's fine. 
"I can't believe I've made it - it's over!! I have sat my final exam, and soon will be leaving campus for good..." Tybalt returns with an A+ and another grant - not that he needs the money, coming from a wealthy family, but it can't hurt. 
He has a brief rest and then joins Mercutio for breakfast in the canteen. It is it the first and probably last meal the two eat together. 
Mercutio spends the last couple of hours before his end of year exam in the upstairs common room, where he feels strangely detached from the wild dancing that's going on. (Have you noticed that the student with the spiky hairdo has tattoos on the inside of her upper arm? Now THAT must have hurt!) 
He should smile happily for the camera, but he doesn't - even though he has just completed his Freshman Year with an A+ and his name on the Dean's List. What's the matter with Mercutio? Feeling lonely? From Day One here on campus, he has been wishing for his brother and his cousins Hermia and Miranda to join him here.

We'll see what he gets up to when we return to this dorm at some stage.


  1. Well done for Tybalt and Mercutio taking the mature route to friendship. How great that your Tybalt is graduated already! It won't be long I'm sure until Romeo and the cousin's join the dorm. :)

    1. I was truly pleased when I noticed that the two former enemies wished to talk rather than shove or poke each other, and followed their lead. Romeo will follow his big brother eventually, but others will go to uni as well, so it is likely that I play there several times before the letter M comes round again.


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