Family names and related posts

Tuesday 22 February 2022

The Newson-Picaso Family - Week 6

Click here for week 5.

Here is the last house for this round with a Newson in it. Although it looks rather country-like, it is in a quieter part of Downtown New Max.

Paola Picaso and her husband Garrett (formerly Newson) live here. They are both 67 now, and while Garrett has been on Permanent Platinum ever since he became Game Designer 23 days from Elderhood, Paola is still working on her lifetime want of being Education Minister.

Garrett's half-Alien son Ned is my reason for playing here this week. He was born before his human Dad married Paola, and therefore still carries the Newson name.

He is a Romance Sim and has changed his mind about what he really wants since last round; instead of becoming Hall of Famer, he now wants to be a Celebrity Chef.

Here's a better picture of Garrett. Both he and Paola still work, but now that Ned is a teenager, of course they do not have a nanny anymore.

A few minutes past 1:00 am on Tuesday morning, Ned can be seen sneaking out of the house towards a black limousine that has just pulled up in front of the house. What's going on?

Well, Ned had the wish to sneak out with Carmelo Capp, and the latter does not need any convincing!

Fortunately, Ned's parents never know he's been out. He returns home with a few hours to spare before the school bus, but manages to get up in time.

As usual, he is home at 1:00 pm while his parents are still at work. To make up for his sneaking out (even though they don't know), he does all the gardening work; he really is a good kid.

Even Paola's vegetable patch gets all the attention it requires.

When Garrett and Paoloa are home from work, especially Paola is glad for the chance to relax and read the paper. She works so hard, and I very much hope she will soon reach her lifetime want.

Wednesday is a well deserved day off for Paola, but she does not spend it idling her time away. Instead, she works on a budding friendship over the phone, as another friend is a requirement for her next promotion. (Note the picture of Garrett as a young man on the wall.)

She then rolls want after want about plants and other things that have to do with the garden and outdoors: a plant, a tree, a compost bin, and a tent. Seeing as she loves her garden so much, I let her do the gardening today, and it results in her receiving the Golden Talent Badge.

When Garrett returns from work, he is invited into Paola's brand new tent... for some kind of... erm... tent-warming party ;-)

Ned is unaware of the goings-on in the front garden; when he is not busy with a task I give him, he admires himself in the nearest mirror.

Thursday starts in the already well-established manner for this family: Ned goes to school, his parents leave the house an hour or so later. He is home alone from 1:00 pm for the first half of the afternoon but keeps himself busy with homework. Also, it is one of the last warm summer days, and the oranges are ready for harvesting.

Paola "harvests" in a different way today: All her hard work has paid off, and she is finally made Education Minister! Well done, Paola; at 70, you can certainly think about retirement - but I know you won't.

Garrett's younger sister Georgia comes visiting just after sunset on her own accord.

Our aspiring celebrity chef serves delicious spaghetti with meatballs for his auntie.

Paola takes a leisurely bubble bath on Friday morning - her work schedule allows for that, and the autumn day is chilly enough for her to want to start the day soaking in hot water.

It is a sunny day, however, and warm enough by afternoon for Ned to still wear his shorts and sleeveless top when he does some yard work after school.

Garrett is always last to be home. Today, his colleague Tessa Ramirez comes along.

Saturday means the weekend is here - no school until Monday! Ned decides it won't harm his future if he invests a few hours into reading up on cooking; certainly a good idea for someone who wants to be a celebrity chef one day!

Paola has to work, but Garrett doesn't, and so he invites his siblings, nieces and nephews over. The Newsons always love a good family gathering, and today is no exception.

Ned's hamburgers (he made them for everyone on his own intiative) are a big hit with the guests... is fishing at the pond in the garden.

As I said, the Newsons love being together - can't you tell?

It is almost Sunday morning when Ned rolls the want to make juice. I buy a juicer and have him make a Beauty Cocktail - the result is a message that informs me that "Ned is healthy again". Coincidence?

Sunday is the only day this week when both Garrett and Paoloa are not working. Garrett is up first, but quietly stays in bed, letting Paola sleep in after her busy week.

Ned finally makes his Golden Badge for gardening.

The family have not yet been to a community lot this week, and Amelia's Closet is where I send them. Ned's wardrobe is well filled, but his parents have only one outfit each.

Paola looks really happy with her choices from the clothes racks, in spite of spending a small fortune on them - she can easily afford it.

Garrett is next, and soon afterwards, the Newson-Picasos head back home.

Husband and wife spend the rest of the evening mostly in animated conversation.

Another week I really enjoyed playing. Ned has not once rolled the wish for college yet; he does not need it for his lifetime want, but it would help. Paola and Garrett are now 74, but it looks like they have still several good years ahead. The garden is thriving, the bank account full to the brim - what more could a Sim want :-)


  1. not more, it is what most people want lol. I like Ned he seems a good kid.

    1. I like him, too. He did roll romantic wants about an NPC girl but I have not allowed him to act on that - there should be enough girls around for him who live in New Max.


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