Family names and related posts

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Giselle Goth - Week 2

This is the 2nd round after Giselle's graduation and moving back from college into the Goth villa. You can read her previous week here.

This is the new Goth villa in my game - the original one was, in my opinion, a little too full of old memories and dark corners. A long time ago, I moved the Goths into this Maxis-made home and spent more time than usual on furnishing and decorating it, and I am rather happy with how it has turned out.

The only remaining family member of the Goths was Giselle Goth, half-Alien daughter of Alexander Goth. Her twin brother Gunther sadly died in a fire as well as her father when she was just a teenager. Neighbours and friends looked after her, and when she left for uni, it was always clear that she was going to return to her birth place.
At uni, she met and fell in love with Orlando Ottomas, last but not least because they both dream of having six grandchildren one day.
Together, they have twin boys Alexander and Mortimer. Additionally, Orlando has two half-Alien twin boys, Otto and Gunther. Up until now, Orlando and the older two boys were living at the Ottomas family home, with Giselle struggling on her own.

But finally, Orlando moves in with Giselle! From now on, looking after the toddler twins will not be quite so difficult anymore.

Here are Gunther (left) and Otto (right) Ottomas, about to choose their rooms in the big house and to meet their little half-brothers.

"Daddy, is Giselle half-Alien like Otto and I?" Gunther asks over a plate of welcome cake. Orlando confirms this. In fact, Giselle and Orlando's boys have the same Alien father, which makes them half-siblings, too (and uncles to Giselle's boys) - but their relationship will be that of mother and sons.

On this Monday, the move-in is not the only thing that happens. For something or other, the repair service is called, and much to my delight, it is Lee Lewis - eligible for becoming a proper New Maximilianian one day!

A view of the nursery on the top floor, where the two younger boys spend most of their time.

Move-in or not, the older boys go to school. Them not skipping the day pays off when Gunther returns with his first A+ report.

Cassini Capp, another half-brother of theirs, is with them.

But before the boys can play together, homework has to be done.

On Tuesday morning, Gunther and Otto enjoy the spacious living room in their new home - it is big enough for both of them to jump rope, something that wasn't really possible at the Ottomas house.

Thankfully, neither Giselle nor Orlando need to have jobs; there is more than enough money in the family, allowing them to spend almost all their time looking after the children.

After school, Gunther and Otto need to boost their fun. Apart from playing Red Hands, there are few things better suited for that than playing musical instruments. They prove to be naturals at the piano and the violin.

Catherine Capp was walking by in the afternoon and invited in by Giselle. She has never forgotten how kind other New Maximilianians were to her when she found herself all alone after the tragic fire, and is always happy to welcome others into her home.
Over a late dinner of spaghetti with meatballs, Orlando wonders when he and Giselle can have their wedding (they have been engaged for a while).

Speaking of Giselle, she is still so busy with her toddlers that it is already Wednesday early morning by the time she finally gets round to paying Tuesday's bills.

Both Orlando and Giselle are suffering from coughing fits. I do wish that Grandma's Comfort Soup, a regular feature in this household's diet, would help to fend off illness longer than a few hours before the annoying messages about colds and flus etc. pop up again!

When the older boys are at school, Giselle enjoys a quiet couple of hours with her twins, reading and playing with them. It will probably be the last time the three of them sit on the floor together like that.

It was indeed the last time, because that afternoon at 6:00 pm, first Mortimer...

...and then Alexander grow up. Phew!

Thursday is not only the first school day for Mortimer (pictured) and Alexander, it is also the beginning of autumn. The morning is chilly enough for Giselle to light the fire in the dining room.

The sun is out, though, and on the front lawn it soon warms up enough for Orlando to take advantage of the water wiggler that is still here from the time when there were several dogs in the house.

The four boys return from school, and for Mortimer...

...and Alexander it is time to learn how to do their homework.

When finally the kids are in bed, Giselle and Orlando enjoy a quiet late supper, musing about how fast their children are growing up.

The next morning, all four boys have breakfast together. Good job there are enough bathrooms in this house - otherwise, getting four ready in time for the school bus would be quite the challenge!

Speaking of bathrooms, a sink and a shower need repairing (again). Lee Lewis is here to fix everything that needs fixing, and he is generously tipped.

Not only that, but he is also invited to stay for lunch. By the time he leaves, he is friends with Orlando and Giselle.

Saturday is marked mainly by two birthdays: The twins Gunther...

...and Otto grow up into teenagers.

My dice decides for Gunther's aspiration to be Romance; he won't rest until he has had 20 lovers. His brother turns out to be a Popularity Sim and dreams the same dream as his Dad and step-mum/half sister Giselle: to have six grandchildren.

While the "little ones" are fast asleep already, the two teens discover the gym room. Gunther is practicing those dance moves - certainly a good idea if he wants to impress future conquests. Otto is all for keeping fit.

The younger two boys will remain young a little longer - their age-transition won't happen this week.

In the early hours on Sunday morning, I catch Gunther looking after his little half-brother Alexander, who is fast asleep. Nobody told him to do that, and I find it a rather touching moment.

At around 10:00 that morning, the gardener is already at work when Lee Lewis' truck pulls up in front of the house. Yes, there is yet again some shower or sink or other item in the house that needs fixing.

Meanwhile, the family's taxi has reached St. Simius. You know what's coming, don't you!

Oh dear... looks like the Unsavoury Charlatan is the only one suitably dressed for the occasion!

But of course, groom and bride change into their wedding outfits soon enough.

Mortimer and Otto look very elegant, too.
Harry Hart (front) happened to come by, same as a group of townies who hardly know the couple that are now the new Mr. and Mrs. Goth.

Then there is cake...

...and the obligatory dance. Everyone is having fun, but the children tire quickly and the family heads home.

Phew! What a busy, busy week this was! And you can tell by how long it took me to play and write up this chapter that I was almost as busy in real life.

Anyway, I enjoyed this household, like I always enjoy my big families - especially once the kids outgrow the toddler stage ;-)

How is everyone? I don't hear and see much of all of you and hope you are all well and just too busy with your offline lives to spend much time with your Sims.