Family names and related posts

Friday 4 December 2020

The Smith-Indie Family: Week 12

Click here for Week 11 with this household.

Ah, the good old Smiths' house! Who has not played here at some stage during their Sims2-career? Of course the original family members are not around anymore, but the house is not empty, and there is still a Smith living here:

Jill Smith, originally a Garden Club Member, who by coincidence shared both first and surname with Jill Smith, the little girl with the blond pig-tails whose Dad was an Alien, Pollination Technician Smith, who decided to live in New Maximiliania instead of somewhere in outer Space.
This Jill Smith is no blood relation to the original Smiths, but her surname made me have her move in. She is a Romance Sim and busily working on her lifetime want of having 20 lovers. Last time we saw her, she already had acquired 11.

Isabella Indie is the first Jill Smith's step-daughter. She married Mitch Indie, who arrived in our games with the University pack. Mitch was given Isabella as a souvenir after an invitation to a trip into space with the Aliens. Isabella is now 60 and has reached her lifetime want of becoming Professional Party Guest 14 days before Elderhood.

On this Monday morning, Isabella greets paper boy Amin Fleig - another NPC who I am hoping to add to the neighbourhood eventually.

And as if one prospective candidate for a move-in wasn't enough, the repair man who later turns up to look after the stereo and a clogged toilet is Lee Lewis - now you know that in TS4, we have the surname Lewis (as part of the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family), and so Lee is also going to be followed up.

Meanwhile, Jill has been swimming in the pool for a while and is now enjoying the sunny afternoon.

She waits until Darren Lum, her latest conquest, has time to come over - and even before entering the house, he becomes her # 12.

Tuesdays are Gardener days.

Isabella can not call Lee Lewis on the phone the normal way; just like in the previous chapter where Shaun Singles was unable to call Brittany Mace unless he threw a party and put her on the guest list, Lee can only be called as the Repairman. Hopefully, Isabella will soon manage to befriend him.

First, though, she manages to work herself into a heat stroke by using the ergometer on the back porch in the bright summer sun and wearing a way too warm track suit. She passes out right there, and comes to only when it gets cooler after dark.

During the night and early hours of Wednesday morning, Isabella faints repeatedly. Her needs are getting lower and lower.

And finally, Mr. Reaper finds her on the bedroom floor. Isabella was only 62.

Now Jill is all alone in the house. She misses Isabella, but more than anything, her mind is on the eight lovers she needs to find in order to reach her lifetime want.

Money has never been an issue in this household, and Jill does not waste time on a job - or on household chores. A maid is called, and much to Jill's delight, Remington Harris turns up; another potential candidate for her list!

She meets and greets Parker Tse and Jake Holimo, two townies who could also end up on her list - especially Jake (the elderly gentleman), as he turns out to be a 3-bolt-man for Jill.

Before sunrise on Thursday morning, Jill boards a taxi to go food shopping.

After she makes her purchase, she stays long enough on the community lot to greet several other New Maximilianians and grill hot dogs for everyone who is hungry, like herself.

Back home, Dickson Shankel is invited over. Jill wonders: "Is he going to be # 13 on my list?"

He is!

I find Jill fast asleep on Saturday morning, dreaming about herself... and quite a number of male Sims show up in her thought bubbles, too.

This young man, though, is not going to be on her list: Paperboy Amin Fleig is really just a friend. He receives a generous tip from Jill every morning, and will eventually become eligible to move in with his "relatives", Jill and Cole Fleig.

While Jill is busy taking her friendship with the aforementioned Cole Fleig to the next level, Catherine Capp seems to be headed to the Ministry of Silly Walks (Monty Python, anyone?).
I know Sims perform this particular kind of walk when they are about to steal the paper or a garden gnome, or kick over the trash can, but Catherine does not do any such thing - she just walks past.

By Saturday mid-morning, Cole Fleig is ripe - he falls in love with Jill and is added as # 14 on her list.
When she rang him earlier to ask him over, he suggested he bring along a friend, and Jill had nothing against it. No other than Kennedy Smith comes along! There he is, looking at the house of the original Smiths, and pondering how it happened that they never really knew of each other.

Cole is sent home after their relationship has reached red heart status, but Kennedy stays for a round of hot dogs. It might well be one of the last sunny Saturday afternoons this year, warm enough to grill in the back garden.

Jill ends the evening alone, harvesting the hydro plants before she goes to bed.

Jill wakes up with a cold on Sunday morning. Maybe she should have started to wear warmer clothes sooner, or not hang out at the pool well into autumn; anyway, the coughing fits come and go all day.

Repeatedly kicked-over rubbish bins usually result in an infestation of bugs, and since Jill does not need to watch her spending and has no inclination to do the work herself, an Exterminator is called. Maybe Jessie Day is a potential candidate for one of the remaining six empty slots on her list of 20 lovers.

For now, though, she concentrates on Remington Harris, her household help. Generous tips usually speed up the process of forming a friendship.

Remington stays on after work, and Jill makes it a cosy evening for the two of them. Not THAT cosy yet, though - by the time she is too tired to stay up any longer, they are still only at the pink hearts stage.

Some of this week's developments were rather unexpected, such as Isabella's death. Jill is not doing badly; she will most likely make Remington her # 15 and then there are one or two more of her male acquaintances lined up to follow suit.
I still very much like playing in this house and want to keep it even when Jill turns into an elderly lady and would normally move to the Senior Residence.

Lee Lewis is still kept in mind as a Sim eligible to become a New Maximilianian - let's see who will eventually be able to invite him to move in.


  1. Happy New Year, :)
    It was a shame about Isabella, sometimes Sims’ inability to take care of their own basic needs is astonishing.
    Jill is doing great with her friendships and lovers.
    I’ve always liked the Smith house, with a few tweaks and less shrubs it’s a nice home to play. :)

    1. Happy New Year to you, too :-)
      I still want to do my New Maximiliania Head Count, like I do every year, regardless of where I am in terms of a round. Work starts again tomorrow, so I want to get some play time in :-)


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