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Friday, 15 January 2021
Turner Students: Freshman Year
Starting uni is a big step for every Sim, and these newcomers who have just arrived at Pinenut Plaza Dorms are no exception. Who are they?
The young woman is no other than Helen Gavigan - hardly recognizable without her signature purple-pink hair! She age-transitioned into this style.
We have only just visited her family, so I don't think you need much of an introduction.
Helen is a Romance Sim and wants to become a Celebrity Chef like her dad, Sirius Swain. Her mother is Gerlinde Gavigan.
The young man behind her is Abhijeet Turner, a former Townie teenager. His name appeared on the list of Sims eligible to be sent to college, and as his surname has recently be added to New Max (because of my uncle and aunt in Yorkshire by the same name), I decided to send him, too.
Abhijeet is a Romance Sim like Helen, but wants to have 20 lovers.
Then there is Margaret Turner - maybe you remember that she was one of Clarence Gavigan's first dates, another Townie teen. Margaret's aspiration is Knowledge, and she wants to become Captain Hero one day. Here she is talking to Clarence, Helen's twin brother. Clarence still wants to have 50 first dates, and began his life on campus with 13 such dates.
Next to him is former Paper Boy Amin Fleig. As befits a Popularity Sim, he wants to have 20 best friends.
Last but not least, Ratna Walter joins them. He was left on his own at the dorm I last played. Since that dorm has only five rooms, and I needed six for this group of students, I had Ratna move here.
Once upon a time, he was a Townie teenager, too.
He is a Pleasure Sim and wants to have 50 Dream Dates. Oh dear, I can see a lot of dating coming up at this dorm!
He is the oldest of the group, already a Junior.
Clarence and Margaret have known each other only briefly through a 1st date arranged by the Matchmaker, but Clarence gives her a backrub on his own initiative. Margaret does not seem to have anything against it!
Helen is glad to have her former hairstyle back. We've always known her like this, and I think it suits her much better than the short black cut.
A long time ago, I deposited the face surgery station in one of the rooms. Poor Clarence has never known what it is like to breathe with a proper nose (and I wonder how his specs are held in place), and here he is, cautiously approaching the apparatus.
Oh dear - his first attempt fails miserably!
He is happy the second time, though, and so am I.
Amin is the first to finish his Term Paper.
Helen is the first to decide on a Major; it is Art for her.
Amin registers for Drama, and promptly needs to work on his Charisma.
Cows and Llamas, will these two ever get along? I don't think so!
Clarence has his 1st date # 14 with Lisa Gieke, arranged by the Matchmaker. It ends very quickly; I seem to remember that Lisa is involved with one of the Ottomas brothers.
Shortly afterwards, Clarence knows what he wants to focus on and declares his Major in Drama.
Suddenly, I hear the "crush" harp upstairs - Abhijeet and Helen have autonomously fallen for each other! Hardly suprising, Abhijeet decides on the same Major as his romantic interest, Art.
I foresee some trouble for this two-bolt-couple, since Abhi wants to have 20 lovers. We'll see how things pan out for them.
Amin meets and greets an NPC student - his name is Abhijeet Turner. Yes, that's right, exactly the same as our Abhi!
As usual, when the students have nothing else to do, they gather round the stereo and dance the hours away.
The end of their first semester is here - exam-time!
Amin, Margaret and Clarence have already finished. Only Margaret got an A+ and a spot on the Dean's List; Clarence managed a B+ and Amin an A.
Abhi and Helen are next to return from their exams, Abhi being relieved that he did not end up lower than a B+, and Helen proud of her A+.
Ratna, who has chosen to sit his exam in his PJs, has an A+.
Now the usual round of acquiring their necessary skills and writing Term Papers begins. Helen is first this time, followed closely by her twin brother.
She then insists on having a sponge bath in the cafeteria - regardless of the upstairs shower room being entirely at her disposition. Ratna is polite enough to turn away.
Clarence decides to have his first date # 16 with Professor Jeannie Ajjanagadde. Nothing happens, really, as he has to go to class almost immediately. The Professor hangs out at the dorm a while longer, until I have mercy on her and tell Margaret to say good-bye.
For Abhi, Helen becomes his first love. Remember, he wants 20. But can even a Romance Sim ever forget their first love? Anway, for now, the couple are very happy together.
The Freshman Year passed very quickly, with so many Sims to take care of. The group never even made it to a community lot, in spite of being in dire need of new clothes!
But after their first term, which could have gone better grade-wise, they all made an effort - and it paid off: Each and every one finds their name on the Dean's List, with a big, sparkling A+ behind!
And Ratna? He returns an hour or so after the others, also with an A+, and as a proud Senior Student.
For their next term, I really want to send the group to a community lot. The contents of their wardrobe leaves a lot to be desired, and it will also be a good occasion for them to meet other Sims.
The Turners are a wide-spread clan, it seems; Abhi knows two other Turners, all tourists, I believe. We will certainly find more of them making their way over to New Max eventually!
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That was a fun Uni round. I often send my students to the campus lots as the clock still runs whilst they're there.
ReplyDeleteNice to see the Turner's are already quite prolific in your 'hood. :)
I know - they still go to class, even if they are at a community lot at the time. I just somehow never got round to sending them.
DeleteYes, Turners seem to show up everywhere :-)