This small house in New Maximiliania's Bluewater Village has recently been bought by...
...Candice Walter, a former NPC student.
She has become a New Maximilianian resident because I know a Mrs Walter in real life, and have therefore decided to add this surname to the neighbourhood.
Cancide has a diploma (although I don't know what her major was); Odell Ottomas was the one to befriend her and ask her to move in.
Her aspiration is Romance, and she wants to have 20 best friends. So far, Odell is her only one, and she has no romantic interest.
With the money she saved from her students grants and the usual starter sum, she has 13,780 Simoleons left after having purchased the house.
Speaking of the house, it is not only small, but offers little in terms of furnishing: To the left of the front door is a tiny bathroom with the cheapest installations. The open plan kitchen-living-dining area is equipped with the cheapest stove and sink; there is no fridge, no table, and the only chair is a cheap garden chair on the front porch. A grill is on the back porch, and the small bedroom contains the cheapest single bed and nothing else.
Well, I am sure Candice will wish for things - right now, all her wants have something to do with friendships and friends.
As she has no fridge (yet), but wants to have something to offer the welcome committee, she spends 40 Simoleons on a large pizza.
The pizza is shared with Christopher Capp, Lilo Landgraab...
...Gavin Newson...
...and Jason Lewis, who is a newcomer in the neighbourhood just like Candice.
In the course of the afternoon, Candice makes phonecalls to two friends who become her best friends # 2 and 3: Perseida Powers and Cooper Seifert.
Just after sunset, the phone rings, and friend Sharla Ottomas invites Candice to meet up at Baliwood Star Lanes.
Everybody has fun at their various activities, such as bowling, playing pool or just chatting. Candice has had a long first day, though, and says good-bye after only a couple of hours.
Not much happens on Tuesday. Candice gets up at 6:00 from her cheap bed; she has slept reasonably well, but the bed offers little comfort.
Her new fridge has been delivered, and now that she has a place to store dairy products and other fresh items, Candice can have muesli for breakfast.
Her first set of bills as a house owner has arrived - she is charged a modest 34 Simoleons.
Sharla Ottomas becomes her best friend # 4.
Although her new bed offers much more comfort than the old one, Candice feels unwell on Wednesday morning. After a bowl of muesli and a hot shower, she spends much of the day resting and reading.
When Helena Stacks walks by in the afternoon, she musters up enough energy to greet her, but Helena is left to her own devices, fishing at the pond.
Her cough and other symptoms of illness are still with Candice on Thursday, but that does not stop her from greeting Desdemona Broke.
[She notices that some of the daisies in her front garden need watering. The fresh air - it is autumn now - does her good.
By the time her best friend Sharla Ottomas comes visiting, she feels well enough to have a plate of spaghetti and a glass of sparkling wine with her - the first meal at her brand new dining table.
Today's bills were, by the way, 28 Simoleons; I would have expected more, as Candice has invested in a new fridge, bed and dining table with chairs, and usually, bills increase when a house is furnished and decorated more.
On Friday, Tina Cho is Candice's first visitor for the day. Like the other ladies before her, she spends almost all the time on her own, fishing at the pond behind the house.
Christopher Capp is high on Candice's wish list as her next best friend. She invites him over and hopes to reach best friend status over bowls of Mac'n Cheese, but although they have a good time reminiscing about their years at uni, Christopher leaves still as a good friend, not best.
By Friday morning, the colder season has kicked in enough for Candice to wear her outdoor clothes when she picks up the paper from her front porch. She does not seem too happy about that!
It takes a few phone calls to finally make Christopher Capp her best friend # 5.
Sunday is not off to the best start when the toilet clogs up. With no income, Candice is careful about spending money, and therefore makes sure she does as much as possible herself.
The day can only get better after that, and it does! With a series of phonecalls, Candice makes her best friends # 6, 7, 8 and 9 - that's almost half of her lifetime want achieved during her first week!
She is still not well and therefore not up to inviting anyone over or going anywhere. Before she goes to bed, she witnesses the first snow of the season, and the ponds around her house freeze.
This is the end of the current round in New Maximiliania. I had a lot of fun, although I miss not only the Roth family, but also several community lots (and probably a few residential lots, too) have disappeared as if by magic.
Before I start the next round here, I want to do a thorough check and take stock of what I have, and what I have lost. Then maybe I will do some re-organising of New Maximiliania, hoping that I won't lose more lots and more families - so far, the Roths are the only one.
And of course, a head count is overdue!
I also hope you will stay with me - I have precious few readers, and value each of you greatly. Thank you for reading and commenting!
Constantly in the making :-) If you are not familiar with the computer game "The Sims 2", you will probably not really understand what this is all about.
Family names and related posts
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- Bratford (12)
- Broke (25)
- Bubbler (10)
- Burb (8)
- Caliente (8)
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- Capp (69)
- Cho (37)
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- Landgraab TS4 (2)
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Hello there - you are, if I am not mistaken, new to my blog :-)
ReplyDeleteWith a curfew in place and the weather not exactly ideal for walks and hikes after work, I have been staying in more and playing more TS2. It is nice to know that others still like to read my posts, thank you!
I thought it should be possible to re-import the Roth family with SimPE, but so far, I have not managed to do that. Do you know how?
Thank you for the tip to look for the missing Sims under the category "Uneditable" - I shall do that!
ReplyDeleteI will happily share a copy of New Max with you if you tell me how; it is a huge file and can't be sent by normal email.
On your profile it looks as if you do not have a blog of your own, or do you write about your Sims elsewhere?
I have just uploaded New Max to Google Drive, but in order to share the link, I need to "add" you, and I need your email address for that. It does not appear on your profile. If you do not wish to reveal your email address in a comment here, you can send me an email (my address is in my profile).
ReplyDeleteI like that you finished the round with a new person! Welcome to Candice and she did well with her best friend count this week already! Let's hope by the time we see her again her LTW will not have changed. :D
ReplyDeleteYou never know with my Sims - they keep surprising me :-D
DeleteI know there is a Private School Headmaster by the name of Vince Walter, hopefully one of the next households with children can call and befriend him.
I replied to your email with the link to the upload of New Max.
ReplyDeletehi, i really like reading your story, i always follow it.
ReplyDeleteThank you!