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Thursday, 23 August 2012
The Roth Family - Week 2
The Roths have moved from Riverblossom Hills to New Maximiliania some time ago, but they still live in the same house that was originally assigned to them. When we left them after their first week here, they were doing well, but since I had to overwrite their chapter, I will give you a brief overview again so that you know who we are dealing with in this chapter.
This is Morty Roth, a Knowledge Sim who wants to become Chief of Staff. He started out as a Relic Liberator, but of course quit that job immediately. During his first week, he made it from EMT to Paramedic to Nurse.
His wife Stella has the Popularity Aspiration and sees herself as future Hall of Famer. Her first job was that of a Yearbook Club Supervisor, but then she made an astonishing career in the Athletic field, moving from Team Mascot to Superstar in just one week.
Their teenage daughter Sandra wants to raise 20 puppies or kittens. You guessed it - she is a Family Sim. She currently attends Private School and has quit her after school job as File Clerk.
Sandra's little brother Xander is also a Private School Student.
Sandra has made the first step towards achieving her lifetime want when the family bought this dog, Tramp. They bought him when I was playing a different household and they were visiting a community lot, I had nothing to do with it.
On Monday, while the first snow flakes are beginning to fall, Stella returns from work with yet another promotion: she is now an Assistant Coach. Her husband has just received his membership card to the Peerless Park.
Xander is upstairs in his room, when all of a sudden...
...he turns into a teenager! As usual, his aspiration is decided by lot, and he turns out to be a Knowledge Sim just like his father - but with a very different lifetime want: He dreams of being a Criminal Mastermind!
Sandra is downstairs, baking Christmas cookies...
...and the family are later rewarded by a visit from Santa.
Just a snapshot to show you what Xander looks like without his shades.]
The siblings like playing games on the playstation in Xander's room.
On Tuesday, Morty is promoted to Intern.
Sandra receives her membership card to the Platinum Gym.
Funnily enough, the family receive yet another visit from Santa, although nobody has made fresh cookies, and the ones Sandra made yesterday are in the fridge. Santa is not too happy about this and, instead of a present like yesterday (the cheap stereo, which now sits in Xander's room), leaves a lump of coal! This is the first time I have had this happening in my game. Yes, my Sims never cease to surprise me - there are still things I have not seen, even after 5 years of playing this game!
Very early on Wednesday morning... You can guess what happened here, can't you? Xander is kidnapped by Aliens. Being a Knowledge Sim, it is a treasured experience for him.
"Here's to the Aliens!" Sandra exclaims :-) Or maybe she says "To Dad! For his latest promotion", because today, Morty was promoted to Resident.
For Sandra, it is time to go to college. She does not really need a degree to raise 20 puppies or kittens, but she will have occasion to meet other New Maximilianians there, and a good education has never done any harm.
I really like the cosy "country" style of this house. It can be so nicely decorated for Christmas, don't you think?
On Thursday, Stella receives her membership card to Will's Garage.
Her husband is invited to the Aspirational Laboratories.
At 6.00 pm, he turns into an Elder, well on his way to reaching Permanent Platinum, but not quite there yet. Being an Elder suits him, I think!
On Friday, Stella is promoted to Coach, and I send her straight back to work - she comes back with her last promotion and is now a Hall of Famer! Congratulations, Stella - she has reached Permanent Platinum one day before crossing the threshold to Elderhood.
On Saturday, Morty is promoted to General Practitioner.
It is now spring, all the Christmas decoration has gone, and it is time for some gardening. Since there is no school on weekends, Xander does his share and waters the flowers.
His mother has now a lot more time on her hands; no Hall of Famer works every day. So she decides to finally make use of the empty greenhouse in the back garden, and by fertilizing the soil and planting tomatoes, she receives her Bronze Gardening Badge in one single afternoon.
She also reaches Elderhood - but, oh dear, in what a horrible combination of top and trousers!
Even her son seems to think so :-)
On Sunday morning, Stella walks to Belle's Boutique and spends about 1.000 Simoleons on clothes for herself. Good on you, girl - indulge yourself after all the hard work, you've certainly deserved it!
A simple pair of jeans and white t-shirt show off her still good figure a lot better, I think.
Sunday ends with Morty receiving his membership card to Games of Glory. When will we check on Sandra at college? How long until Morty will be on Permanent Platinum? Is Xander interested in girls, or in any girl in particular? Will Stella be as successful in her new hobby as she was in her career? There will be time to find out - just not yet :-)
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I think this was essentially the family album for the Roth's right? I don't think I missed a different post that said that. I am interested in these guys and they seem to be doing very well. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's the oldest post about them, yes.