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Friday, 31 August 2012
La Fiesta Tech: Student Stories / Lucy Burb and Carolina Curious
Welcome to the next chapter straight from La Fiesta Tech's most popular dorm! We are going to spend a "year" here because of the latest newcomer:
Lucy Burb!
The other residents at the dorm presently are the Broke twins Benvenuto (left) and Brent (right), Sally Riley and three others which you are going to meet in a minute.
Lucy's Freshman year is off to a firey start when lightning strikes the big old tree next to the dorm. Thankfully, the rain quickly puts out the fire, and nobody is harmed.
Lucy's favourite colour is blue, and so it is only natural that she gets to use this room at the dorm.
She has not decided on a major yet, but she has already finished her term paper - and chosen an outfit better suited for the summery temperatures.
Do you remember Sally Riley's lifetime want? She wants to have 20 lovers at the same time, and has just made David Ottomas her No. 8.
Here is one more of the dorm's residents: Puck Summerdream; a bit of a loner, it seems. Well, he IS different with his pointed ears, isn't he?
Sally is really working at her lifetime want now - No. 9 on her list is Alexander Goth.
Tessa Ramirez, another of our playable students here, has just maximized her creativity skill. Seconds after this picture was taken, she received her membership card to the My Muse Art studio.
Tessa and Lucy both love doing the school cheer.
Last but not least, the girl with the braids is Sandra Roth. Now you know all our playable students here. The semester has ended for these three, successfully - as expected.
Benvenuto has just been charmed by Lucy - she only has one bolt for him but she seems to develop a particular liking for the young man.
This semester, Tessa is the first to finish her term paper.
Brent, Benvenuto, Sally and Lucy have completed the first half of the uni year, too.
Maybe you remember that Brent and Sandra were together until the unlucky and uncalled for flirting with Brent by the cow mascot? I really want these two to become an item again, as they share the same lifetime want of raising 20 puppies and kittens, and surely it is easier to do that in one household later on. Sandra and Brent have been apologizing to each other all semester, and finally Sandra seems to see sense and tells Brent she is ready to give their relationship a second chance.
Lucy is being invited to "Games of Glory". She has, by the way, declared her major in Arts.
Uh-oh... when Sally walks with that sway in her hips, she is up to something... or, rather, someone ;-)
Puck Summerdream can't escape of becoming No. 10 on Sally's list. That's half her lifetime want done!
Some mornings, when I leave the students to their own devices, they like to gather in one of the student's rooms; this time, it is Tessa's.
Finally, Brent takes all his courage and jumps into Sandra's arms - and she does not reject him anymore! Hooray!!
"I am going to miss this place... I really love it here," Tessa confesses to Sally over breakfast. Well, love it as much as you like, dear, but soon you will graduate and then it is time to move back to New Maximiliania.
And indeed, Graduation Day is here! Tessa and Sandra have just both graduated summa cum laude. Puck is the first to congratulate.
Sandra throws a proper graduation party and has invited her family. Her brother Xander and her father Morty Roth are getting ready to pose for the graduation picture.
Meanwhile, Sally has graduated, too. Lucy is now a Sophomore, while the Broke twins are starting their Junior year. Puck is now the only Senior left.
A last glance at Sandra Roth's graduation party guests: Rick Contrary, Jules O'Mackey, the dorm cook (she was not invited but of course nobody had anything against her joining in), Ripp Grunt, Dirk Dreamer, Tessa Ramirez (sat on the settee), Xander Roth, Morty Roth and Stella Roth, Sandra's mum.
After Sandra has taken the taxi back to New Max and her guests have followed her, Tessa is the next to make that decisive phone call. Brent and Benvenuto wave her good-bye.
And Sally thinks: "Gods, no! I won't stay in this outfit for long!" before she boards the taxi that takes her back to the main neighbourhood. If you have kept count, you'll know that this dorm is now only inhabited by four playable students: Puck Summerdream, the Broke twins and Lucy Burb. Who is going to join them to fill up the empty rooms? Stay tuned to find out :-)
- - - Update 29.8.2010 - - - Back at the dorm, we see three newcomers standing outside. Come closer with me, and we'll find out who they are!
Hal Capp and Desdemona Capp...
...and Etsu Cho, who has kept the promise of turning into a very beautiful young woman.
Hal's first self-chosen activity after having claimed his room is exercising at the ballet barre.
Later, he talks to Desdemona about how much he likes her shoes.
Meanwhile, Etsu is enjoying her first cafeteria meal, with Brent sharing her table.
Lucy is upstairs in the girls' bathroom, practising charisma.
And Puck is at the easel, producing yet another painting to decorate the slightly drab-looking dorm walls.
Don't worry - the fight watched here by Hal, Benvenuto and Desdemona is not between any of the dorm's inhabitants...
...but the classic rivalry between cheerleader and cow mascot. This time, the cheerleader wins (I am not surprised - would you be able to fight wearing a cow costume?).
Looks like Brent here is developing a liking for Etsu Cho! Don't get your hopes up, Brent - you are destined for Sandra Roth and no-one else!!!
Lucy Burb and Benvenuto Broke have fallen in love of their own accord, observed by Desdemona Capp.
Hal declares his major in Psychology...
...followed minutes later by Etsu, who declares Mathematics to be her major.
What does it mean when a stranger watches a young man in a common wash room? Don't worry - it does not mean anything untoward is going on here; it is merely the head of Games of Glory, presenting Brent with his membership card to the club.
Desdemona's wish was it to learn about lifelong happiness, and within the first few days upon her arrival at university, she manages to achieve that goal.
"Guys, we have all that money between us; don't you think we should put at least some of it to use and give the cafeteria a make-over, like the students before us have done with the common room?" Enthusiasm seems limited ;-)
Puck is now in his final semester!
Etsu becomes a member of Games of Glory. Is there one student who is not?
Lucy has finished the first semester of the Sophomore year, while the Broke twins Brent (right) and Benvenuto (middle) have completed their first Junior semester.
Our newcomers Etsu, Hal and Desdemona successfully end their first semester here, too.
Desdemona really seems to enjoy university life; she gets up every morning with a smile on her face :-)
The campus coach is never far away, even though almost all the dorm's inhabitants are really fit.
Finally, the students act on Desdemona's suggestion, and the cafeteria receives a makeover, "American Diner"-style.
I have observed this before: every morning when the students get up and I leave them to their own devices for a while, they tend to gather in one of the students' bedroom. This one his Hal's room, and five out of seven playable students meet here.
Autumn has ended, and with the start of the Christmas season, the students throw Christmas parties for their families and friends. First to start is Lucy Burb; her mum and dad (John Burb with the blue coat and his wife Jennifer with the green coat) as well as some childhood friends come visiting.
Puck Summerdream is next to invite his family and some friends over for a Christmas get-together. Titania likes to smustle-dance, and so does one of the professors who was NOT invited (and will politely be asked to leave as soon as Puck has finished playing red hands with Beatrice Monty).
Of course, Desdemona's large family is happy for the occasion of a get-together in such spacious surroundings; her younger sister Ariel is seen here playing red hands with Desdemona, her mum Goneril is sat at a table in the background, as well as cousin Hermia Capp who, despite her pregnancy and the snowy weather outside, has managed to come, plus Desdemona's dad, Albany Capp.
Later, while Desdemona and her dad sit down together for something to eat, she is invited to Games of Glory.
Puck graduates Summa Cum Laude in Drama and moves back to New Maximiliania - not looking particularly happy. Does he know how difficult his lifetime want is? (It is that of having 20 simultaneous best pet friends)
Brent and Benvenuto Broke start their Senior Year, and for Lucy, it means the start of the Junior Year.
Our former Freshmen Etsu, Desdemona and Hal are now Sophomores, and we leave this dorm until it is time to come back for the next addition to La Fiesta Tech :-)
- - - Update 22.10.2010 - - - We begin the new semester with a newcomer: Carolina Curious. She has, of course, arrived here in the hope of making it easier to fulfill her lifetime want of having 50 first dates, not because she really needs a diploma :-)
The first male student she meets is Brent Broke.
But her first date at college (and the 5th of her planned 50 dates) is with Rick Contrary. As Rick's lifetime want is to have 50 dream dates, they both benefit from their encounter.
Hal Capp receives his membership to Games of Glory.
Benvenuto Broke has just maximized his Logic skill.
Just to show you how elegant Desdemona looks in her winter outfit.
Yes, winter :-)
It is rare that all students eat at the same time, but here everyone except for Lucy Burb has made it to the cafeteria for dinner.
Hal Capp and Etsu Cho are now best friends.
Oh... not just best friends, I think :-) Isn't it funny how our Sims seem to fall in love on their own accord almost always with Sims they have only one bolt for? Etsu and Hal are no exception.
The semester ends with everyone being successful at their exams.
Brent loves animals - hardly surprising for someone who grew up on a farm with lots of dogs and cats :-) The only pets allowed on campus are birds or guinea pigs, and he opts for Lora, a beautiful parrot.
Little did our students (or I, for that matter!) know that what started out as a routine (and rather boring) semester was going to turn into the most dramatic event recorded on campus so far! A thunderstorm (it is the second half of spring by now) has resulted in lightning hitting the metal balcony railing, and setting the balcony on fire. Carolina Curious just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and the rain has stopped... everyone runs up, trying to extinguish the flames and rescue Carolina from the flames.
Sadly, they do not succeed, in spite of their best efforts, but instead, Lucy Burb and Brent Broke get too close to the flames themselves.
While with a joint effort they manage to rescue the Broke twin, Lucy Burb does not survive.
When the sun rises over the dorm, it is to a very sad scene: Lucy and Carolina both dead, with the Broke twins close to a nervous breakdown, and everybody in such a terrible state of shock, hunger, loss of hygiene and energy that I fear for their lives, too.
The nervous breakdown is cured relatively easily, but nobody is able to plead for Carolina's or Lucy's lives with the Grim Reaper - they are all too badly affected of the night's events.
The voice of reason tells them to seek sustenance in the cafeteria, but it is difficult. Hal keeps breaking down over his breakfast. Benvenuto tries to talk to him soothingly about how their friendship is going to help them through this ordeal.
Etsu is the only one who was fit enough to take her exam - Desdemona and Hal both miss theirs.
The Broke twins had just returned from their final exam when the fire had begun, and Brent is the first one to leave and move back to New Max. Of course, throwing a graduation party would not have been appropriate.
Benvenuto follows his brother shortly afterwards. What a terrible end of semester! I really did not expect any of this to happen, but you know that I do not interfere with my Sims' lives. Carolina and Lucy are the 16th and 17th Sim to die in New Maximiliania. At the dorm now only Hal, Desdemona and Etsu are left. Will they recover from this shock? And how are the Burbs and the Curious family going to deal with the loss of their only children?
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Aww that was going so well! It was lovely to see so many familiar faces under one roof. Poor Carolina and Lucy! RIP! :)
ReplyDeleteI must admit I did feel a bit bad about allowing them to day and not command any of the other students to save them... but I was determined to let things run their course, and that was what happened.
DeleteWow, just because of the fact Carolina was in the wrong place when the storm was coming through. I didn't even know it would set a balcony on fire. Sad update.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about the railing either, but it makes sense, as it is metal...
DeleteOMG! Sad story, but it adds a bit of flavour to the hood when unexpected things happen
ReplyDeleteYes, it was sad, but as you say, such dramatic events add some spice to gameplay.