Family names and related posts

Thursday 30 May 2024

Blossom Moonbeam: Junior Year

Another year at Strangetown's La Fiesta Tech lies ahead, and we are going to spend it here at Canyon Commons Dorms.
To the playable students already living here, a new resident has just arrived: Buck Grunt, the youngest brother of Tank Grunt who has just begun his Sophomore year. Their middle brother, Ripp, has not gone to college. The other playables are Klara Vonderstein, William Williamson, Stella Terrano, the Davis brothers Aldric and Almeric, and Blossom Moonbeam. 
And it is Blossom who we are here for. Like the rest of the gang (except for Tank and Buck), she is now a Junior. A typical Family Sim, she dreams of seeing three of her own children graduate from college - but that distant future has not yet begun, since she is not even remotely romantically involved with anyone, in spite of there being several eligible fellow students around.
More often than not, Blossom prefers one of the small tables outdoors for her meals instead of the busy, noisy canteen. Apparently, Aldric is not all that welcome to keep her company, but he seems to be oblivious to that fact.
Indoors, the Grunt brothers share a table with Klara and Almeric for Buck's first meal at the dorm. "So there's actually three of you Grunt boys?" Klara asks again. Yes, there are three of them, but only two are here, obviously.
Buck is full of enthusiasm for this new chapter in his life and finishes his Term Paper even before he has decided on a Major; eventually, he chooses Mathematics. 
Remember Kay Kosmokos alias Spikey, who was so very interested in Tank while he wouldn't even acknowledge her most of the time? Now she tries her luck with his younger brother, but it looks like Buck is more interested in finding the football results online than her. 
One by one, the students acquire their skills and write their term papers.
Once the skilling is done and the paper written, they can do pretty much as they please. For Aldric, this means keeping his brother company, watching TV while Almeric is studying mechanical.
Blossom is neither the first nor the last one to finish her paper for this term, but more or less in the middle.
And Buck? Well, well, well - what shall I say: He and "Spikey" Kay have just discovered that they are three-bolters!! "You're it!" Kay exclaims, pointing at Buck. "Yeah, and you're it, too!" he replies, smiling. 
It is hard to see what's going on here, but funnily enough, the newfound lovebirds have chosen the tiny patch of sand in the corner behind the dorm's porch to autonomously cuddle under the stars. Stella watches them for a bit but then gets bored and goes to do something else. 
When Bottom returns from class, her first stop is often the kitchen - but not for food! She just loves to juggle bottles from the fridge. 
She has just made Monica Bratford her best friend, fulfilling a big wish.
One evening in the cafeteria, Buck serenades Kay with his brother looking on rather embarrassed. "What would our Dad say if he saw Spikey and Buck together," he wonders. Well, the General is not here, and besides, he has changed a lot since Camryn Lee came into his life. And not even he could stop a three-bolt love! 
Everyone makes it to the end of the semester, and they all do very well at their exams. 
This semester, Blossom only needs a logic skill point, which is quickly gained at the chess board.
Buck is once more first to complete his Term Paper. He is really doing his Dad proud, isn't he! (Am I the only one to be reminded of Star Trek Deep Space Nine's Odo, looking at Buck's hairstyle and face here?)
It is summer, and a very thundery one at that. The cactus in the mini courtyard is hit by lightning, but only the visiting cheerleader and llama mascot seem to notice the fire. 
Everyone else is simply too busy skilling and writing term papers. 
Blossom has just finished hers. 
Nothing like a dance session to loosen up those tight muscles after sitting at the computer for hours!
She also takes care of the bills.
Oh! Isn't William involved with someone else? (I am not sure, since I am not focusing on him this year.) Anyway, he is doing his best to chat Blossom up, and she doesn't tell him to naff off, but no hearts are seen flying. 
"Why does this keep happening?!" the students wonder, when the cactus is hit by lightning again only a few days later. Couldn't someone install a lightning rod on the dorm's roof?
Klara and Almeric are so sweet! Whenever they set eyes on each other, a series of romantic interactions starts, in spite of them not having a single chemistry bolt between them. 
Blossom wishes to fall in love but so far has not found anyone who could capture her heart. She sticks to juggling bottles instead - her main activity when she is in need of fun and left to her own devices, and apparently tolerated by the cafeteria staff. 
Uh-oh! I thought I'd kept track of everyone's progress this semester, but I nearly forgot Almeric - 13 hours before the final exam, he is still lacking one body skill point and has not yet written his term paper...!! But he makes it in time. Phew! 
In spite of their varying states of (un)dress, everyone has done well once more with their exams. Now Blossom and most of the others start their Senior Year, while Tank is now a Junior and his little brother Buck not a Freshman anymore. 

This was fun but rather exhausting - visits to community lots are really difficult when nearly everyone is on a different schedule. But at least there were no fights here! Instead, the students all want to be friends with each other. 
I never expected Buck to find his 3-bolt-lady in an NPC student - who at first was interested in his big brother. 
Blossom still has plenty of time to find that special someone who will help her with her lifetime want; she can't have children at college anyway.


  1. This was a great round in a busy dorm! Nice that Buck has found his 3 bolt love and it's funny that Almeric and Klara are smitten too, so different from my game.
    I like this dorm but I do find the 'indoor/outdoor' area a little odd. I should change it next time I play. :D

    1. Almeric and Klara were an unlikely couple to begin with, but they decided to give it a go without me doing anything :-)
      I never expected Buck to have three bolts with the lady who was first so interested in his older brother.


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