Family names and related posts

Thursday 21 September 2023

Albany Capp's Family: Week 1

For the first time this round, we are visiting Veronaville, home to the (in)famous Monty and Capp families and their seemingly eternal feud. This week is going to be spent with Albany Capp's family here at 46 Bard Boulevard. The family have only 7,036 Simoleons left after buying the house, which comes completely unfurnished. Apparently, Maxis have not provided a series of pictures for them, but their family biography says: "Goneril's husband Albany wanted a big family, and he got it. Will their offspring carry on the Capp traditions, or smash the establishment to smithereens?". I will introduce them one by one.
A look at the house reveals an open-plan downstairs area, obviously destined to be the kitchen/dining/living room. A staircase leads to the upper floor.
Here we have an empty bathroom and two equally empty bedrooms. How will the six family members fit all in?
Only the cheapest of things are possible, as you can see.
Upstairs, I cram four single beds into the slightly larger (?) room, and a double bed for the parents as well as a cot fand potty for the toddler in the other room. The bathroom is set up with the cheapest toilet, bath tub and sink. 925 Simoleons are left - good job both parents want to work!
Goneril is already on the phone to Veronaville's job center, while her husband is teaching little Ariel to walk. Albany is a Family Sim through and through, not just by aspiration but also by his Maxis-written bio: "Albany loves his children. Too bad they don't love each other. Can Albany convince them that family is important? And can he convince Goneril as well?". However, he wants to become Education Minister - knowing so much about raising children, he should be really good at that. His wife has a different ambition and biography: "While Goneril wanted children, it certainly wasn't her idea to have this many kids. And why does she feel like Albany perhaps married her more for her money than for her love?"
Her aspiration is Fortune, and she wishes for the fame and money a position as World Class Ballet Dancer means. Today (with the help of Mr Humble's computer), she gets into the Dance Career, starting tomorrow as an Aerobics Instructor. 
The children return from school. Hal is happy about his first A+... is his younger sister Desdemona. About Hal, Maxis says: "Though he seems abrasive, little Hal is actually a very thoughtful boy. Will he mature into a healthy Sim despite his siblings' torment?". Desdemona is described as "Desdemona wants to be just like her older sister Miranda. Will she be able to carve her own path in such a large family?". 
And Miranda? She is the Capps' firstborn, and according to Maxis, she "cynical and rebellious—and wants out of her parents' crowded house. Could that explain her sudden interest in Mercutio?". But look at her here, snuggling her baby sister Ariel! In fact, after she has heroically struggled through her homework all alone, it is she who finishes teaching Ariel her first steps.
Later, she and Desdemona have vegetable stew with their Dad. "It is well into your bedtime, Des," Miranda smiles at the younger sister who looks up to her in every sense. 
Albany's job hunt is successful the very next morning. He goes to work as a Playground Monitor on Tuesday, using the same car pool as his wife.
The older children are off to school, of course, but little Ariel can not stay home alone. A Nanny is engaged. It takes her a while, but after a generous tip (handed over by Miranda, who is late for school because of that) she gets started on the house work (see the empty bottle on the floor behind her) while not neglecting her young charge.
"Children, I'm home!" And with a promotion, too. He is followed almost instantly by Goneril, who has also been promoted - both of them because of a chance card. Albany returns to work straight away and comes home in the evening with his 2nd promotion of the day: He is now a Substitute Teacher, and Goneril will start as a Backup Dancer tomorrow. Better things are sorely needed for the house, and I start with the bathroom and a better bed for the parents. Thanks to their wages and bonuses, for a little while the Capps' account showed an impressive 4,162 Simoleons, but after the Tuesday bills were paid and a few things upgraded, they were down to 710 Simoleons again. Never mind - the better things were important, and with two adults working, they will soon have earned enough to improve the rest of the house, too.
On Wednesday, Goneril is expected at work only in the afternoon. She spends most of the morning doing household chores.
Albany is promoted to Elementary School Teacher.
Miranda brings home her first A+. 
On Thursday, Albany is demoted due to a chance card decision. "Unfair!" he shouts as he gets off the car. The postie does not seem to be interested. Albany's spirits are not dampened; he goes back to work immediately, trying to regain his position. 
Meanwhile, Hal... 
...grows up into a handsome lad. My dice decides on his aspiration to be Knowledge, and he now dreams of becoming a Prestidigitator. 
After Albany has come home from work for the second time today, and indeed got his position as an Elementary Teacher back, Goneril follows a few hours later with a promotion to SimJazzer Instructor. The family now have over 6,000 Simoleons. 
Hal's birthday was not the only one: Ariel's toddler days are over! Her baby crib, potty and toys are sold, and a single bed is added to her parents' bedroom. Not ideal, but the other room upstairs really can not hold a fourth bed. 
Downstairs, the kitchen is vamped up with a much better fridge, stove, dishwasher and - finally - a trash compactor - all in cheerful yellow.
I discover Ariel's everyday clothes after she gets dressed on Friday morning. A straw skirt and no shoes?! Sorry - that won't do, especially not now that winter is fast approaching.
For the first time this week, the house is completely quiet and empty while everyone is either at school or at work.
The afternoon is a whirlwind of kids needing to up their fun, doing their homework and needing to up their fun again; parents skilling, cleaning and cooking, until finally everybody drops into their beds exhausted. Everybody but Albany, who has no clickable action for his half of the double bed where Goneril is already fast asleep. I don't want to wake her up, and replace the bed with a new one, but send Albany to one of the settees instead. Hopefully, this bug is not the start of more bugs in either this family or on this lot. 
It is Saturday, so the children can have a lie-in. Not so Goneril; she is up bright and early for work.
The kids enjoy their time off and make their own entertainment - the lack of toys and not having a TV or other such things does not bother them.
Goneril's efforts have paid off: She returns from work with a promotion to Pop 'n Lock Performer. 
Because everybody really needs better outfits, the entire family boards a taxi to H&M Veronaville.
Hal has just greeted his childhood friend Bottom Summerdream; as soon as she left, this townie started chatting to him. Goneril chooses wintery outfits for everyone and ends up spending 1,400 Simoleons - after her latest promotion, there is still a good 3,000 Simleons in the bank. 
Before I send them home for the evening, a townie by the name Demi Love appears. I am sure we shall see more of her in the future! (There was a Demi Love in New Max, if you remember - she was a former Police Officer.)
When Desdemona turned into a teenager on Saturday evening, I did not take a picture of her - she was "stuck" in the front door, and so I have waited until Sunday morning after she got dressed. My dice decided on her aspiration to be Fortune, and she dreams of earning 100,000 Simoleons - quite fitting for her, I think, since she spent most of her childhood in poverty.
The kids enjoy Sunday just like they did Saturday. Ariel even manages to pet a visiting skunk. 
Goneril and Albany have changed into more suitable outfits and look quite happy with them. I have tried to keep to their "favourite" colours - Goneril's original dress was red, and Albany's original red house coat is mirrored in the red t-shirt he wears underneath the black jacket.
Hal reads a story to his youngest sister; Ariel looks delighted. Miranda is unsure whether to phone a friend or play at the computer.
In the afternoon, Albany invites as much of their family over as he dares. The Capps arrive in large numbers: There are Cornwall, Regan and Kent as well as Consort with the teenagers Tybalt, Juliet and Hermia.
I don't know what the story is here (yet), but Kent is constantly being poked by Cornwall. I am sure I will find out more once I play their household. 
Goneril returns from work with a demotion, but she is all smiles when her youngest daughter runs up to her for a hug. 
The week ends with Ariel greeting another member of the ever-growing Smith family: This is a townie named Alan. A challenging week, but the Capps handled it well. The kids were really good, and both parents worked as much as they could - not only for their lifetime wants, but also because the family really needed the money. The house is still cramped, but has seen some improvements. For now they will stay here; with the older teenagers soon off to college, things should become a bit easier. 


  1. Always hard to find a house to fit them all with no money. But you did it.

    1. I guess it will be similarly challenging to play the Ottomas family, but I quite like that :-)

  2. What a great week for Albany and family after having such limited funds they are doing great.. love the yellow kitchen.
    I have a soft spot for this house, it was the first I ever played when I got TS2! :)
    I'm trying to remember who I put in there this time around.. guess I'll find out when it comes to their turn. :)

    1. There are two or three houses very much like this one in Veronaville, and I know I have played in there before - I may even have put this particular family in it back in New Max :-)


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