Family names and related posts

Monday, 31 October 2022

The Smith Family - Week 13

Week 12 at this house is here, if you are interested.

One of the best known houses in all of New Maximiliania is this one, the house Maxis originally built for the Smith family. Pollination Technician (or Polly, as he was known to his friends) and his family are long gone, but the house is not quite empty.

Jill Smith lives here. She was, if I remember correctly, a member of the gardening club before she discovered that she is related to the Smiths, and moved in with them.
With her lifetime want of 20 lovers, she has already achieved a lot: Last time I played here, her list of names was at #14.
When she gets up on this Monday morning, she wonders what the week will bring.

Today seems to be Service Day, as not only the gardener and the household help arrive for their usual appointment, but the repair service truck pulls up, too.
Remington Harris, Jill's household help for years, finally becomes her 15th lover.

Shortly after he has left, Jill crosses the threshold to the read hearts stage with Amin Fleig, her #16. That's four to go!

Of course, with a lifetime want like that, it can hardly be avoided that some Sim or other is constantly mad at Jill. Her dustbin is nearly always thrown over again as soon as she (or Remington) have picked it up.

Kennedy Smith is the only other Sim by this surname living in New Max at the moment. It turns out that the two of them have hardly known each other, but show three bolts! Of course, I shall work at making Kennedy move in before the week is over. Tonight, they celebrate their budding friendship with glasses of champagne to their hot dogs.

Tuesday does not see any new additions on Jill's list of lovers, but she talks to some of her friends on the phone to strengthen existing friendship and invites one or two others to work on bringing their friendships closer to love.
With the frequent overthrowing of the dustbin, it is hardly surprising that Jill has an infestation of bugs in her front garden. Nigel Newson happens to pass by and is greeted. He makes himself useful by spraying the bugs on his own accord.

By the way, here are portraits of the long gone Jenny Smith (Polly's wife) and their daughter, also named Jill.

Autumn has quietly slipped into winter during the night, and on this Wednesday morning, Jill lights the fire in the den for the first time this season.

Later, she invites Nery Turner over. He hopes she'll stop coughing so that he can kiss her. Shortly afterwards, they do much more than kiss, and Nery becomes Jill's lover #17.

That same night, she turns into an elder - still attractive, as Kennedy proves when he is invited over for the evening (Nery has of course been sent home).

I find Jill thinking of Kennedy early on Thursday morning. It is actually a bit too cold to sit out on the porch, and in spite of wearing her padded winter coat and warm boots, Jill does indeed catch a cold.

Nevertheless, she manages to bring her friendship with Kennedy to best friends level during the day, and after he has gone home, she relaxes with a hot bubble bath.

Although last night's bubble bath did her good, Jill's cold is not over yet on Friday morning. Instead of sitting on the porch, today she wisely chooses the warmth of the fire in the den.

Later that day, townie Parker Tse becomes the 18th name on her list of lovers.

By the time Jill finally is in love with Kennedy (and vice versa), it is already Saturday. Unfortunately, he is only her # 19 - one more lover is needed to make Jill's lifetime want come true.

I thought that person would be Callum Capp, but a check of Jill's list reveals that he was actually her 6th lover, so the rekindling of this old flame does not count towards the lifetime want. It still fulfills a major daily wish for Jill, though, in spite of them unfortunately being surprised by Remington Harris, who feels majorly cheated and storms off in a huff.

Isaiah Capp is already a friend of Jill's and has not yet appeared on her list. She invites him over for cake this afternoon, and when he asks to bring along a friend (Alan Riley), she agrees - there won't be anything happening between these two just yet anyway.
Hopefully, by tomorrow, she will have fulfilled her goal AND make Kennedy move in.
And guess what, she does just that!
First, when she kindly asks Isaiah Capp if he would become her lover # 20 and thus help her to achieve her lifetime want, he agrees. Moments after this picture was taken, Jill is on Permanent Platinum at the age of 57. Phew!

Second, after she has sent Isaiah home, Kennedy is invited over - for good. He accepts, and we have now one household of Smiths again.

This was a good week for my Sims, and we are going to stay on for another week now that Kennedy lives here, too.

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