Almost exactly two years ago I last played this household - you can find that post here.
The Dreamer residence is a house I really like playing in, because I took my time over furnishing and decorating it back in the day when the Dreamers and the Cookes were still sharing the place. Who lives here now?
Dirk Dreamer, looking good at 67. He still works as Education Minister; it was his dream job. Dirk never had a proper love interest, but he did (and still does) experience love from family and friends.
His late father was, of course, Darren Dreamer - you all know him, I am sure!
Dora is Dirk's younger daughter. As you can see from her looks, no human partner was necessary for her birth. Her older sister is Deirdre, whom we have accompanied for a week in my previous post. Dora is a Popularity Sim with the lifetime want of owning 5 top level businesses. She is in her late teens and will leave for college before the week is over.
On this Monday morning, Dirk invites his daugher Deirdre over.
After she has introduced her sweetheart, Matthew Cho, to her father, the young couple moves in. The house is large enough; it contains three large bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms as well as Dora's room where she and Deirdre used to play, sleep and do their homework before Deirdre went to college.
Dirk is pleased to make his sort-of son-in-law's acquaintance, although he thinks the young man slightly overdressed.
Very early on Tuesday morning, Deirdre searches for a job once more, and once more, with no success.
While she has been busy downstairs at the computer, Matthew was looking through the telescope. All of a sudden...
...well, you know what happened here, don't you! Dirk of course is no stranger to those happenings, having been "invited" aboard the Alien spaceship twice in his life.
Hours later, Matthew is brought back, with Dirk looking on.
As Deirdre does not work (she would not need to for the money, only for her lifetime want of becoming Game Designer), she makes herself useful in other ways. I did not tell her to empty the trash compactor, she did that on her own accord.
Tuesdays are also gardener days, and it is a good job she is here today. The garden is rather pretty but a little overgrown.
Matthew has been to work in spite of his Alien adventure and returns home promoted to Drive Through Clerk. Not in that outfit, I think!
Dirk starts Wednesday with a nostalgic cup of tea. Gone are the days when there were always the kind faces of his dear old friends looking at him, sitting around the table together!
When Matthew gets up, he realizes he is pregnant. His partner being of Alien descent, of course the whole topic is not entirely new to him.
"Darling, I am having a baby!" he announces over breakfast. Deirdre knows how delighted her father will be. The little one will be something like her step-child and half-sibling at the same time. Weird, but that's Aliens for you!
On Thursday, I send the household to the "Le Magnifique". As Matthew wants to advance in the culinary career, it seems a good idea for him to study how things are done at a restaurants. Their visit passes without any event worth writing about.
Back home, Cedric Cooke comes visiting. He used to live here, too, before he moved in with his partner and her family. Deirde is his half-sister. His father was Julien Cooke, best friend of Darren Dreamer.
Deirdre is of the opinion that her half-brother's surprise visit calls for a party. She brings out the Crêpes Suzette...
...just as the guests are arriving. Here are Caroline Capp and Lilo Landgraab... well as Lilo's twin brother Lance (those two are, of course, also half-siblings to Deirdre and Cedric), Meike and Stephen Riley.
When we see Matthew having breakfast on Friday morning, his baby bump is much more pronounced.
It is also the day Dora leaves for college, where we are going to catch up with her next.
Deirdre actually wanted to tell Matthew that she was finally lucky in finding a job as a Flag Capturer, but she forgets all about it when she comes into their bedroom and finds Matthew on the verge of giving birth.
Welcome to New Maximiliania, Chandler Cho!
Matthew finally changes into an outfit better suited for his new role as a young father.
Of course, now that both Deirdre and Matthew work, Dirk will have plenty of occasion to spend time with little Chandler.
Having given birth earlier the same day does not seem to have affected Matthew's work negatively, quite the contrary - he comes home with a promotion to Fast Food Shift Manager.
It is Saturday morning, and Deirdre cleans their bathroom on her own accord, thinking of Matthew. (All week neither of the two has rolled the wish to marry, although they did roll wishes about each other such as kissing and flirting etc.)
Dirk greets Garrett Newson who passes by just as the first snow flakes begin to fall.
Maybe Dirk was out too long in the cold, because he wakes up on Sunday morning feeling decidedly unwell.
While Deirdre and Matthew are at work and little Chandler is asleep in his crib, Dirk spends a quiet morning reading the paper, browsing the web and working on his painting.
Matthew is now a Waiter. He heads back to work immediately.
Therefore, it is Dirk who helps Chandler with his birthday.
The week ends with two more promotions: Matthew is now Prep Cook, and Deirdre's new job is that of a Platform Jumper.
Dirk is now 74. Will he be around long enough to see his younger daughter return from college, and to witness little Chandler growing up?
Are Matthew and Deirdre going to marry? Who of the two of them will reach their LTW first?
Constantly in the making :-) If you are not familiar with the computer game "The Sims 2", you will probably not really understand what this is all about.
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I've always loved the Dreamer's, and what a great round for them here.
ReplyDeleteSo nice that Deirdre & Matthew have moved in with Dirk and that they have a little family thanks to Matthew. :)
The family gatherings are fun. I've never thought about it but I suppose Maxis never set the game up so that the half-alien children consider themselves related to each other courtesy of the Pollination Technician?
Yes, I have a bit of a soft spot for Darren and Dirk, too, and would have really liked for Dirk to find a nice lady to love, but it wasn't to be - he was never really interested in anyone.
DeleteThe half-Alien half-siblings throughout the 'hood show up as related in their family trees, and when they meet, they can interact with family-typical things such as "family kiss". Only those in my game who were adopted by other families do not count as relatives anymore.
perhaps they didn't realise the aliens would be so popular in the game. Nice little family.
ReplyDeleteOr they did not think anyone would play a 'hood so large and for such a long time, with alien abductions happening so frequently!