Yet another Capp household, living in yet another Veronaville-style house :-)
Cornwall and Regan are married and, according to their original family trees, Regan and Kent are brother and sister. Regan is a Fortune Sim with the unusual lifetime want of having 50 dream dates. So far, she's only had four - all of them with her own husband, who never fails to give her a bouquet of red roses afterwards. Cornwall shares his wife's aspiration, but wants to become Mad Scientist and is constantly thinking of improving his skills to get up that career ladder. He has, by the way, 3 bolts for Elizabeth Aspir, but they hardly know each other. Regan has no 3-bolt-candidate among her friends and acquaintances. On Monday, they have their 5th dream date, all in the comfort of their own home. Cornwall works as a Theorist at the moment, which means he is only one step away from reaching permanent platinum. On Tuesday, while her husband is at work, Regan visits the I'N Clothing & Apparel to shop for summer outfits for herself and Cornwall. As usual, there are several New Maximilianians: Xander Roth (greeting Regan), Delilah O'Feefe, New Maximiliania's one and only Zombie Beaumont DeBateau and Lazlo Curious. Back home, Regan changes instantly into one of her new outfits (still in read & black, that colour scheme seems to suit her) and puts on a bit of lipstick. Yes, that's Cornwall! Not only did he change out of his stuffy business suit, but he also went for a more youthful hairstyle. And guess what - he has been promoted to Mad Scientist today! On Wednesday, Regan and Cornwall have their 6th and 7th dream date. On Thursday, it is Dream Date No. 8 and 9. In spite of trying to fit in two dates a day for Regan's sake, everyday things like paying the bills must not be forgotten. On Friday, dream dates No. 10 and 11 follow.
Saturday morning, a light warm summer rain is so inviting that the couple decide to go on a hike. When they return, the rain has stopped, but unfortunately the thunderstorm hasn't, and lightning hits one of the trees in their back garden, which instantly catches fire. With no rain to extinguish the flames, Regan sets about to do the job herself. A fatal decision - she is engulfed by the flames a lot quicker than she manages to direct the extinguisher at the source of the fire! Her painful cries finally alert Cornwall, who comes running and does his best... ...which is, sadly, not enough. While he is still battling against the fire, his poor wife is already reduced to a small smoking pile of ashes. In the background you can already see the Grim Reaper coming to claim what is his, while Garret Newson is watching helplessly. Cornwall would have certainly pleaded for his beloved wife, but while Mr. Reaper does his job, the right leg of his jeans catches fire... ...and things really are not looking too good for him! Somehow, don't ask how, he manages to extricate himself from the flames, and indeed extinguishes the fire completely. From his wife, though, only the tombstone remains, and poor Cornwall has all his needs in deep red, not knowing weather to eat first, sleep, go to the toilet or have a shower. A visibly aged Cornwall just about manages to get some left-over chili con carne before it is too late. (Of course he was to become an Elder today anyway, but let's pretend it's his intense grief for his wife that turned his hair white so suddenly.)
What a sad Sunday morning! The house looks a mess, with dirty dishes and a puddle of pee (sorry, it was all a bit too much for Cornwall yesterday) in the dining area...
...and the back garden still covered in ashes.
At night, Cornwall tries to get started on the cleaning up process, but is scared by Regan's ghost and decides to leave it until daylight.
Now he has all that money - more than 44.000 Simoleons - and the house to himself, but what use is it to him?
He is free now to follow his 3-bolt-attraction for Elizabeth Aspir... but she is married to Victor, and as far as we know, not aware of Cornwall's feelings for her. What is Cornwall going to do? Will he move in with his wife's relatives, one of the other Capp households, or get in touch with Elizabeth? Is he going to do anyhting about Regan's tombstone and the piles of ashes in the garden? Wait and see!
Oh wasn't that sad for Regan? Her and Cornwall were such a loved-up couple in my game recently. He is kind of mean but loved his wife.
ReplyDeleteIt was sad, yes, and I did feel sorry for Cornwall afterwards.
DeleteWow, what drama! It spices things up a bit and secures that not all families are the same
ReplyDeleteThat's true, and it is the main reason why I allow such things to happen and do rarely intervene.
DeletePoor Regan and Cornwall ! :o
ReplyDeleteIt was tragic, yes. Cornwall has fully recovered since and moved in with relatives, and the house is empty now.
DeleteOn my game Regan and Cornwall are still alive and have two daughters named Christina and Catarina and Christina is kind of a pun on my name which is Christyanna
ReplyDeleteDo you play all the Maxis-made families, too? I have tried to find your blog but have only been directed to your googlePlus site where I saw many video clips but not a blog as such.
DeleteYes I have, I have apartment life but haven't installed it yet also nightlife , celebration stuff and teen style style stuff . Here is a link to my facebook https://www.facebook.com/christyanna.brown
ReplyDeleteI'm not on facebook, so I won't be able to look up your page, I think. But thank you anyway :-)
DeleteYou can look me up without a account and you're welcome for the link
DeleteHere is my blog - https://www.blogger.com/home
ReplyDeleteThis link just leads to the general homepage of blogger, not to any (or your) individual blog.
DeleteIn my game the family is so rich because once in the summer my younger sister Avah was playing sims with me and we were playing this family and she used motherlode many times
ReplyDeleteI never use money cheats, they take away so much fun for me; besides, after only a little while, my Sims get way too rich with what they earn at work, and I sometimes wonder whether I should not do something about most of the households being way too wealthy :-)
DeleteWow, that was quite an eventful time for them. Sad about Regan. I haven't gotten to these guys either, so we'll see what happens.
ReplyDeleteI rather liked Regan and was sorry to lose her, but not sorry enough to intervene...