A new semester has started at Academie Le Tour, and there are newcomes at the dorm: Hal Capp, Buck Grunt and Hal's sister Desdemona...
...as well as his girlfriend Etsu Cho. Except for Buck, these students have already been at university for a while, but have moved here from a different dorm for administrative reasons (= to make it nicer for me, now that almost all my currently playable students are together!)
Two older students already live here: Daniel Bell, who is in his Senior year already...
...and Sophia Baldwin, also a Senior student. Desdemona and Etsu are both Juniors, wheras Hal is a Sophomore - and, strangely enough, on Academic Probation!! How did that happen?! I honestly can not remember!
Buck is the only real newcomer, and one of the first things he does after his arrival at the dorm is to call home and tell the others how good it feels to have grown up into a Young Adult. Buck's lifetime want is to become Mayor, and he chooses Drama as his major. That should come in useful - after all, I am sure a mayor does get to see his fair share of drama!
This year, Sofia is first to finish her term paper.
All over the dorm, there are toys dotted around that she has made, such as this jack-in-the-box.
Of course, the dorm does not remain without a visit from the Campus Coach! Obviously unimpressed by her tirade, Hal just keeps playing chess against himself.
Sofia has made a kite for each of her dorm mates.
This one is her own room.
Etsu flies the "bad" kite...
...and is promptly...
..."rewarded" with an electrocution!
This is her room. I don't think she will ever try to fly this kite after her experience with the "bad" kite.
Buck's room can do with a splash of colour, and this kite provides it nicely.
Well, he does not leave the kite on the wall but flies it the next evening - only to experience the same shock as Etsu did before him!
All that remains of the kite is a tiny pile of ashes. Have you observed this in your game, too? I seem to remember that sometimes my Sims were able to fly a kite for hours and hours on end, with nothing happening.
Although Buck gets along well with his dorm mates, he misses some of his old friends. He and Sally Riley were friends as teenagers, and now that they are both adults, he discovers a whole bunch of new feelings for her ;-)
...and almost misses his end-of-term exam for her!
Etsu, Hal and Desdemona have finished the semester successfully...
...as have Daniel and Sofia.
I am truly bored with playing the same old dorm all the time, and these students have so much money between them that I decide to move them to a rented house on campus. In fact, there is so much money that they can easily not only afford to rent the biggest and most expensive house here, but also furnish it with all the luxury you can imagine.
Their library/study leaves nothing to desire.
The kitchen has every modern appliance.
The students can either eat at the kitchen counter or in the spacious atrium.
There certainly is enough room not only for them, but also for visiting friends and family members.
Every student has a bedroom with en-suite bathroom. This is Daniel's.
Buck's room is on the ground floor.
Well, not all students have, strictly speaking, their own room. Sofia and Desdemona share one, but as it is Sofia's last semester anyway, Desdemona will soon have it to herself.
Upstairs, next to Daniel's en-suite, Hal and Etsu share a bedroom; they have been a couple for a while now.
Etsu maxes out her logic skill. Hal is already thinking of their graduation, although this is still some time away.
Sofia has just made her Silver Pottery Badge.
I love this shot of Etsu - she is one of the prettiest Sims in New Maximiliania, I think!
Desdemona, Etsu and Hal are the first to complete the year.
Daniel and Sofia have not only completed the year, but are ready for their graduation parties! Daniel has graduated Summa Cum Laude in Drama, and Sofia Cum Laude in Physics.
Buck's Freshman Year is over.
Sofia dons her robe and hat and is ready to welcome her graduation party guests:
Melody Tinker and Jacqueline Jacquet...
...as well as her younger brother Marcus, friend Angela Pleasant, her dad Benjamin Baldwin and friends Justin Cleveland and Alexander Goth. (Maybe you remember that Sofia's mum, Isabel Baldwin, died some time ago; she had left her husband for Beaumont DeBateau and lived with her new love at the DeBateau mansion until her death)
While her little brother tucks heartily into a bag of cookies, Sofia is preparing her own graduation cake: a berry pie.
Jacqueline Jacquet seems a little lost - being the only kid at this party, she keeps to herself and enjoys the pool.
At the end of the party, Sofia leaves for New Maximiliania where we will eventually meet her again.
Daniel Bell has just started his graduation party and invited his guests:
(From left to right) His father Issac Bell, Beau Broke, Rick Contrary, his aunt Sharon Wirth, Max Flexor and his mum Hannah Bell.
His parents are so proud of their son!
He is ready to get into the taxi taking him back to New Maximiliania. Who is going to join the three four remaining students here next? I don't know yet - but I promise I will let you know :-)
Constantly in the making :-) If you are not familiar with the computer game "The Sims 2", you will probably not really understand what this is all about.
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Etsu is a very pretty sim. Is she a townie or a playable right away?
ReplyDeleteEtsu Cho is playable from the start. She is a toddler when the game begins, Vivian Cho's daughter.
DeleteDidn't even know you could get electrocuted by flying i kite (IRL yes, but in the sims too apparently)
ReplyDeleteAcademic probation probably happened if they skipped their finals - then the grades go below what they already accomplished
That's what must have happened (the academic probation), I probably never realized it was time for their exam, and their were asleep or something like that. Thanks for explaining!