Click here for Week 7 with this family.
We are now starting a week with the last of my Capp families, I think - then it will finally be time to move on to a different surname.
It is the home of Hermia Capp and her large family. We have just spent a week with her two oldest sons, the twins Callum and Christopher.
Here is Tank, her husband (formerly Grunt, General Buzz Grunt's oldest son). Tank is 63 years old and still working hard at reaching his lifetime want of becoming Mad Scientist. He is not far off, and i hope there won't be a chance card with a bad result for him this week.
Hermia is 62. Originally, she wanted to marry off six children. Then, inexplicably, her lifetime want changed after she had five children; she then wanted to have 20 best friends. Last round, she made 11 best friends. And can you believe it - this round, I enter the lot to find that her LTW has changed back to what it was, marry off six!!
Of course she is now too old to have another baby. Sorry, Hermia, it wasn't my idea to change your LTW once again!
Tank and Hermia have their three younger children still living with them. Here are Carl (right) and Cameron (left). Carl is a Pleasure Sim and wants to have 50 dream dates. His younger brother has the Popularity aspiration and wants to own 5 top level businesses, just like their older brother Christopher.
Carolina is Carl's twin sister and another Popularity Sim. She wants to have 20 best friends and currently has seven - strangely enough, her own Dad is not one of them, even though all her other immediate family are, plus her cousin Catherine Capp.
When the teenagers are off to school, Hermia spends some time on her favourite porch swing, pondering her change of mind. "I knew I wanted a large family, and happy families for my children, too..." she sighs. Eventually, I give in and have her call the adoption service, as this is the only way she will be able to reach her LTW. The new family member will arrive tomorrow morning.
After school, it is homework time for everyone. The boys have their desks in the large hall on the ground floor, while Carolina has one in her room upstairs.
I have made it my habit to check every Sim's relationships to see whether they know an NPC or Townie with a surname like one of the playble Sims, so that they can become eligible for permanent residence in New Maximiliania.
And indeed I discover one name in Tank's phone book - he knows Camryn Lee! Of course I have seen Camryn many times before, but I never realised that "Lee" was a playable name in my game ever since the university expansion pack - remember Emily Lee, a playable student?
In New Max, she married Dustin Broke and they had a son. Sadly, the family all perished in a house fire a long time ago.
Now I shall make a conscious effort to include Camryn in my game, as a long lost "relative" of Emily's. Tank invites her over, and they become friends before she goes home.
Dora and Consort, Hermia's late grandfather and his second wife, Dora Ottomas, come out that night. Their tombs are still in one corner of the large garden.
On Tuesday morning, the Social Worker's car pulls up in front of the house, and as promised, she introduces the Capps' new adoptive daughter: Chris.
You know I have no influence over the choice of the adoptive child (not even on the name) except for whether it is going to be a girl or boy, and the oldest age stage possible is child.
Welcome to the Capps, Chris!
At first, it seems that Chris is not all that interested in her new family or the new surroundings. Or maybe she is just very shy - anyway, she "hides" behind the newspaper for quite a while. Hermia gives her time, but then approaches the newcomer.
Much to her relief, Chris puts the paper away and listens attentively when Hermia starts explaining about the family. It is maybe a good thing that her new older siblings are at school, and Tank at work, so that at first it is only one person Chris gets to know.
She seems to be interested in her new siblings, though, and remains near the door when the school bus drops them off at 1:00 pm.
All three teenagers spin the wish to become friends with Chris, and her first wish is to make a friend, too.
It is time for bed when everyone has finished their homework and had a meal and some play time. Chris falls asleep as soon as her head touches the pillow, and Hermia tucks her in, her heart full of love for this latest family member.
When the sun rises on Wednesday morning, it is above a snow-covered New Maximiliania.
The young people in the house are informed that it is Snow Day and they do not have to school - yay!
To make their already friendly relationship even stronger, Hermia gives her new daughter a new outfit she has sewn for her.
As Chris puts it neatly in the chest of drawers, Tank gets up, and they exchange a cheerful "Good Morning!"
Cameron wakes up with the wish to get fit. Yes, he has put on a bit of weight recently, and now counts on the effects of yoga and running.
Chris tells her big sister Carolina how happy she is to now have such a great family.
Their cousins Catherine, Carmelo and Charles Capp are invited over.
Tank returns from work not only with colleague Wilma Riley in tow, but also his final promotion: he is now Mad Scientist and has reached his lifetime want at the age of 65.
The evening ends with a meal shared by cousins, siblings and parents.
By Thursday morning, the snow has all melted away, and the younger members of the family go to school as usual. For Chris, it is her first day at the new school, and she does not look all that happy when she gets back home at 3:00 pm.
"Cameron and the others are lucky - they have been home for two hours already and can do what they want, while I have to do my homework..." she thinks.
But her big sister Carolina helps with the homework, and after it is done, grows up into a beautiful woman.
I have decided against college for Carl and Carolina, as it would take them too long to go through the whole four years and find a partner to marry - their mother would not have a chance at reaching her lifetime want (which is doubtful anyway, what with Chris still being so young).
Carolina's growing up is soon followed by her twin brother Carl's age transition. As you can see in the back, Camryn Lee is once more a guest at the Capps'.]
Carolina wants to speed up the process of finding a husband by enlisting the Matchmaker's help. Money is definitely not a problem in this family, and so she can easily spend the full 5,000 Simoleons for a blind date.
sBut much to her dismay, Waylon Fairchild (well known throughout New Maximiliania as one of the members of the repair service) appears. "Oh dear... he is far too old for me - more my parents' generation than my own," Carolina sighs and bids him a polite good-bye.
The next two candidates are also unsuitable, one is Dirk Dreamer (an elderly gentleman, too). Carolina gives up for tonight and decides to try again tomorrow.
Carl only now has realised that he has missed the opportunity to go to college. The wish appeared for both him and Carolina at the start of the week but never came back after that. Well, Carl, your lifetime want of 50 dream dates does not really depend on a university degree, does it!
The Capps may be wealthy, but Tank prides himself on never calling the repair service. "My Dad taught me to do myself what I can do and only leave the special jobs to the experts," he says as he goes about repairing the bathtub on this Friday morning.
Carolina throws away yesterday's newspaper without anyone asking her to.
Her brother Carl has just tried his luck with the Matchmaker to get started on his 50 dream dates and find a suitable wife, but just like yesterday for Carolina, the Matchmaker once again conjures up a date that is way too old for Carl. This is Katy McGaw, a townie (and member of the Garden Club?). Carl says good-bye before the date even starts.
Only then do I remember to check his relationships - and lo and behold, there is Stacy Stacks as his three-bolt-lady! She is quickly invited over, and Carl's first dream date ensues.
I don't think Stacy has another love interest right now, so this could very well be the next Mrs. Capp!
A much happier looking Chris than yesterday gets off the school bus this afternoon.
She proudly shows her first A+ report to her equally proud Mum.
Saturday starts with a ghostly visit from Consort.
Everyone manages to appear for breakfast at the same time. Cameron expresses his hope that the sun will make it through the clouds eventually.
But it remains a grey and overcast day. There is hardly any food left in the fridge, and so I decide to let the family have their weekly visit of a community lot at "Here or Else" grocery store.
Upon arriving back home, I am in for a nasty surprise: First Tank...
...and then, actually at the same moment, Hermia die!
I really didn't see that coming; earlier that day, both their lifetime bars looked as if there was still quite a bit of time left, hopefully enough to see their offspring married. They were 62 and 63 when the week began, therefore Hermia must have been 68 and Tank 69 at the time of death.
Their children are devastated.
Poor Carolina even goes into aspiration failure!
She gets emergency help from the Shrink (visible only to her, of course) and then makes herself a "friend" out of a paper cup.
Thankfully, over a game of chess, she and her little adoptive sister Chris become best friends - that is 9 out of 20 for Carolina, and brings her aspiration at least back up to green.
Camryn Lee, who was by now almost best friends with Tank, is invited over, as are Christopher and Callum, the oldest sons of Hermia and Tank. It is time like this when you need your family around you.
Looks like Camryn is rather smitten with Callum!
For Sunday, I have only three pictures.
It is the first day of spring, and Chris is glad to have a surprise visit from class mate Mary Riley. The girls play catch in the front garden for a while.
In the afternoon, Cameron and Chris find some solace in music.
By the way, Cameron looks after his little sister in a very touching manner - he reads to her and sits with her for meals.
While Carolina does not feel much like cultivating friendships today, she still makes the effort of ringing at least one potential friend. Although she has lost her parents only yesterday, she can not put off her lifetime want forever.
And Carl? He has his Dream Dates # 2 and 3 with Stacy Stacks before the week is over.
That was a busy week - and ended on a rather sad note for the family. Had I known that Hermia does not even reach 70, I would not have made her adopt a sixth child, and of course I would have allowed Carl and Carolina to go to college, even though neither of them needs it for their lifetime wants.
We'll see whether Cameron and Chris will go to college eventually, and I am also thinking about having the two older brothers, Callum and Christopher, move back in with their siblings - there is room enough.
Constantly in the making :-) If you are not familiar with the computer game "The Sims 2", you will probably not really understand what this is all about.
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Thursday, 27 June 2019
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Callum and Christopher Capp: Week 1
Click here for the brothers' Senior Year at uni.
Welcome to this small townhouse in New Maximiliania's Bluewater Village.
Its new owner has just arrived: Callum Capp, son of Hermia and Tank Capp, grandson of General Buzz Grunt.
Callum has graduated Summa Cum Laude in Psychology. This should come in handy for his lifetime want of having 20 simultaneous Loves. For now, the only love in his relationship panel is Beta Beaker.
"And how exactly do you expect me to do that, living in an empty house with a mere 4,681 Simoleons to my name?" Callum complains.
Well, he does have a point.
This is the ground floor with just the most basic kitchen equipment (not even a fridge!) and the cheapest toilet and sink.
Upstairs is not much better with two bedrooms that are not even large enough to place a double bed in, and again the cheapest toilet and sink, plus a shower.
But Callum has an idea: He asks his brother Christopher to move in with him. Christopher agrees on the spot, and adds a healthy 18,000 Simoleons to their now joint account.
Christopher has also recently graduated. He has studied economics and left uni with Magna Cum Laude. It should be helpful towards his lifetime want of owning 5 top-level businesses.
Christopher has no current love interest.
The brothers are still careful with their money, since Christopher will of course need to invest a bit into his first business. Therefore, although the newly bought fridge and stove are of good quality, the dining table and chairs are from IKEA (= cheap).
One wall is pulled down to make room for a double bed (Callum's, of course). It is also from IKEA and came cheap. Christopher will need a good night's rest after working at whatever will be his first business, and gets a good quality bed. Better bathroom furniture is also bought, and the "boys" still have almost 15,000 Simoleons left.
Their welcome committee consists of Jill Smith, Marcus Baldwin and Demi Love.
Demi does not stay long enough to join the others for a sandwich.
Callum visibly perks up when Jill finally sits down with him. "What do you say - should we have a private little party upstairs... later?" he boldly asks. But before anything can happen, the phone rings, and they are asked for an outing.
The taxi drops them off in front of My Muse - Music and Dance Studio.
Their group consists of quite a number of Sims, not all of them are in this picture. Do you recognise them?
When Callum makes a move on Wilma Riley, Perseida is shocked - Wilma is married and has a child!
Thankfully, no jealousy scenes happen, as Callum so far has not been very active in terms of his lifetime want. Wilma is only his second love.
Tuesday is an important day for Christopher: He purchases his first community lot to open his first business!
The tiny lot is aptly called "Little N'Local" and is empty except for three shelves and a cashier's counter.
Christopher decides to rename it "Capp's Cars" and sell RC cars here for a start. His first customers appear almost immediately after opening.
But it is not easy to do everything on his own - make sales, restock and man the cash register -, and as there are no facilities on the premises, such as a toilet or a kitchen, he goes home without even reaching rank 1 for his shop.
Back home, his brother has only just gotten up, and the two men have breakfast together before Christopher retreats to his bed.
Callum is not idle: He invites Perseida Powers over and, much as she was shocked yesterday when she saw him flirting with Wilma Riley, she falls for his charms and becomes his love # 3.
After she has left, Callums asks Maria Monty over. The postman walks by as he massages her shoulders, thinking that he wouldn't mind giving this beautiful woman a massage, either.
Unfortunately, Callum has forgotten that Perseida was going to be back with a gift after their earlier date, and she appears the moment he makes Maria Monty his love # 4.
Oh dear! I predict kicked-over trash cans for the rest of the week.
Maria is gone, and Gabriella Newson is the next recipient of Callum's charms.
I knew it!
"I don't want to be tied down in a serious relationship just yet, you understand..." Callum makes it clear from the start that he is not husband material. Gabriella is undeterred and becomes his love # 5 early on Wednesday morning. That is one quarter of Callum's LTW fulfilled.
He can now help his brother for a bit towards his LTW and comes to the shop with him. Dividing the work between them, Christopher's shop reaches rank 1 today.
Wednesdy is not over yet before Callum manages to make Meike Riley (yes, her!) his love # 6.
By the time Christopher gets up, it is dark again. The brothers have a sandwich and talk about the money they will hopefully earn with a late-night shift at the shop.
But it is Thursday already when "Capp's Cars" reaches rank 2.
Christopher especially gets hungry very quickly while at the shop, and since the pizza service can not be called there (why ever not, I wonder?), a grill, table and chairs are added, and although Callum burns his first batch of hot dogs, they are life-saving.
After an exhausting shift at the shop, the brothers go home for some sleep, food and showers. They return later the same day, and before Thursday is over, "Capp's Cars" reaches rank 3.
I wonder whether Christopher's hot dogs have something to do with it - although not an expert cook, he is much better at this than Callum!
Back home, Callum spends several hours building friendships with Jill Smith and Georgia Newson while Christopher sleeps. When he gets up, the brothers have dinner together before it is time for Callum to head upstairs for a good night's rest.
"I am sorry the ladies consider it cheating when all I'm doing is working towards my lifetime want. Doesn't every Sim have the right to achieve their dreams?" Callum muses over their bowls of Mac n'Cheese.
"You have to understand the ladies, Callum... they think they are the only one in your life and hope you will change for them," Christopher reasons. He is not happy about his brother potentially causing heartache to many ladies across New Maximiliania, but he can't help - he knows that a lifetime want is a lifetime want, and not something a Sim chooses for himself.
On Friday morning, Christopher quietly reads in his room while Callum is still asleep.
Later, Callum repairs the computer while Christopher calls a taxi to take them to the shop.
A well cared-for place is important for their customers.
Christopher has just about enough time to grab a bite while standing near the cash register. But his efforts are rewarded when the business reaches first rank 4 and then, during the second shift of the day, rank 5.
So far, Christopher has chosen cash prizes as his business perks. The brothers' joint bank account now boasts an impressive 91,457 Simoleons.
Will they buy a few things for their modest home, or invest in the shop?
Over breakfast on Saturday morning, the brothers discuss what to do with the money. Christopher suggests they add loudspeakers to the shop so that customers are put in a good mood by the music. Callum is not convinced; too often he has been to shops where the music was too loud or not according to his taste or both.
He has been working hard at his brother's shop, and it is about time he does something towards his own LTW. Jill Smith becomes his love # 7 today.
Some of the money goes towards a stereo (Christopher's wish) and a settee (Callum's idea).
Giselle Goth comes visiting on her own accord and stays for a bowl of soup and a discussion about Callum's least favourite subject - cheating.
That evening at the shop, Callum can make a sale to a very special customer - their own Dad. "Imagine Mum's face when you give her an RC car for a present", he enthuses. Yes, imagine!
While it is still dark on Sunday morning, Jill Smith places a karaoke machine in front of the brothers's house as a thank-you gift for Callum. I put it in Christopher's inventory; maybe his next business could be "Capp's Karaoke".
Callum makes Georgia Newson his love # 8. That is close to halfway being done with his lifetime want - and I'll be the first person to breathe a sigh of relief when that happens!
Sundays often mean family days for my Sims, and so instead of working at the shop, the brothers have a day of rest and invite their parents (Hermia and Tank Capp, former Grunt) and younger siblings over.
"My, has my little sister Caroline grown," Callum thinks.
It is a nice, old-fashioned family gathering with games of kicky bag and bowls of soup.
This was a long week to play - not only because of the "double time" working at the shop and then playing almost the whole day again when they return home, but also because I wasn't home and could not play for almost 3 weeks. My bathroom has been renovated and I have only moved back into my flat last weekend. Hopefully, I will have some weeks of "normal life" now!
Welcome to this small townhouse in New Maximiliania's Bluewater Village.
Its new owner has just arrived: Callum Capp, son of Hermia and Tank Capp, grandson of General Buzz Grunt.
Callum has graduated Summa Cum Laude in Psychology. This should come in handy for his lifetime want of having 20 simultaneous Loves. For now, the only love in his relationship panel is Beta Beaker.
"And how exactly do you expect me to do that, living in an empty house with a mere 4,681 Simoleons to my name?" Callum complains.
Well, he does have a point.
This is the ground floor with just the most basic kitchen equipment (not even a fridge!) and the cheapest toilet and sink.
Upstairs is not much better with two bedrooms that are not even large enough to place a double bed in, and again the cheapest toilet and sink, plus a shower.
But Callum has an idea: He asks his brother Christopher to move in with him. Christopher agrees on the spot, and adds a healthy 18,000 Simoleons to their now joint account.
Christopher has also recently graduated. He has studied economics and left uni with Magna Cum Laude. It should be helpful towards his lifetime want of owning 5 top-level businesses.
Christopher has no current love interest.
The brothers are still careful with their money, since Christopher will of course need to invest a bit into his first business. Therefore, although the newly bought fridge and stove are of good quality, the dining table and chairs are from IKEA (= cheap).
One wall is pulled down to make room for a double bed (Callum's, of course). It is also from IKEA and came cheap. Christopher will need a good night's rest after working at whatever will be his first business, and gets a good quality bed. Better bathroom furniture is also bought, and the "boys" still have almost 15,000 Simoleons left.
Their welcome committee consists of Jill Smith, Marcus Baldwin and Demi Love.
Demi does not stay long enough to join the others for a sandwich.
Callum visibly perks up when Jill finally sits down with him. "What do you say - should we have a private little party upstairs... later?" he boldly asks. But before anything can happen, the phone rings, and they are asked for an outing.
The taxi drops them off in front of My Muse - Music and Dance Studio.
Their group consists of quite a number of Sims, not all of them are in this picture. Do you recognise them?
When Callum makes a move on Wilma Riley, Perseida is shocked - Wilma is married and has a child!
Thankfully, no jealousy scenes happen, as Callum so far has not been very active in terms of his lifetime want. Wilma is only his second love.
Tuesday is an important day for Christopher: He purchases his first community lot to open his first business!
The tiny lot is aptly called "Little N'Local" and is empty except for three shelves and a cashier's counter.
Christopher decides to rename it "Capp's Cars" and sell RC cars here for a start. His first customers appear almost immediately after opening.
But it is not easy to do everything on his own - make sales, restock and man the cash register -, and as there are no facilities on the premises, such as a toilet or a kitchen, he goes home without even reaching rank 1 for his shop.
Back home, his brother has only just gotten up, and the two men have breakfast together before Christopher retreats to his bed.
Callum is not idle: He invites Perseida Powers over and, much as she was shocked yesterday when she saw him flirting with Wilma Riley, she falls for his charms and becomes his love # 3.
After she has left, Callums asks Maria Monty over. The postman walks by as he massages her shoulders, thinking that he wouldn't mind giving this beautiful woman a massage, either.
Unfortunately, Callum has forgotten that Perseida was going to be back with a gift after their earlier date, and she appears the moment he makes Maria Monty his love # 4.
Oh dear! I predict kicked-over trash cans for the rest of the week.
Maria is gone, and Gabriella Newson is the next recipient of Callum's charms.
I knew it!
"I don't want to be tied down in a serious relationship just yet, you understand..." Callum makes it clear from the start that he is not husband material. Gabriella is undeterred and becomes his love # 5 early on Wednesday morning. That is one quarter of Callum's LTW fulfilled.
He can now help his brother for a bit towards his LTW and comes to the shop with him. Dividing the work between them, Christopher's shop reaches rank 1 today.
Wednesdy is not over yet before Callum manages to make Meike Riley (yes, her!) his love # 6.
By the time Christopher gets up, it is dark again. The brothers have a sandwich and talk about the money they will hopefully earn with a late-night shift at the shop.
But it is Thursday already when "Capp's Cars" reaches rank 2.
Christopher especially gets hungry very quickly while at the shop, and since the pizza service can not be called there (why ever not, I wonder?), a grill, table and chairs are added, and although Callum burns his first batch of hot dogs, they are life-saving.
After an exhausting shift at the shop, the brothers go home for some sleep, food and showers. They return later the same day, and before Thursday is over, "Capp's Cars" reaches rank 3.
I wonder whether Christopher's hot dogs have something to do with it - although not an expert cook, he is much better at this than Callum!
Back home, Callum spends several hours building friendships with Jill Smith and Georgia Newson while Christopher sleeps. When he gets up, the brothers have dinner together before it is time for Callum to head upstairs for a good night's rest.
"I am sorry the ladies consider it cheating when all I'm doing is working towards my lifetime want. Doesn't every Sim have the right to achieve their dreams?" Callum muses over their bowls of Mac n'Cheese.
"You have to understand the ladies, Callum... they think they are the only one in your life and hope you will change for them," Christopher reasons. He is not happy about his brother potentially causing heartache to many ladies across New Maximiliania, but he can't help - he knows that a lifetime want is a lifetime want, and not something a Sim chooses for himself.
On Friday morning, Christopher quietly reads in his room while Callum is still asleep.
Later, Callum repairs the computer while Christopher calls a taxi to take them to the shop.
A well cared-for place is important for their customers.
Christopher has just about enough time to grab a bite while standing near the cash register. But his efforts are rewarded when the business reaches first rank 4 and then, during the second shift of the day, rank 5.
So far, Christopher has chosen cash prizes as his business perks. The brothers' joint bank account now boasts an impressive 91,457 Simoleons.
Will they buy a few things for their modest home, or invest in the shop?
Over breakfast on Saturday morning, the brothers discuss what to do with the money. Christopher suggests they add loudspeakers to the shop so that customers are put in a good mood by the music. Callum is not convinced; too often he has been to shops where the music was too loud or not according to his taste or both.
He has been working hard at his brother's shop, and it is about time he does something towards his own LTW. Jill Smith becomes his love # 7 today.
Some of the money goes towards a stereo (Christopher's wish) and a settee (Callum's idea).
Giselle Goth comes visiting on her own accord and stays for a bowl of soup and a discussion about Callum's least favourite subject - cheating.
That evening at the shop, Callum can make a sale to a very special customer - their own Dad. "Imagine Mum's face when you give her an RC car for a present", he enthuses. Yes, imagine!
While it is still dark on Sunday morning, Jill Smith places a karaoke machine in front of the brothers's house as a thank-you gift for Callum. I put it in Christopher's inventory; maybe his next business could be "Capp's Karaoke".
Callum makes Georgia Newson his love # 8. That is close to halfway being done with his lifetime want - and I'll be the first person to breathe a sigh of relief when that happens!
Sundays often mean family days for my Sims, and so instead of working at the shop, the brothers have a day of rest and invite their parents (Hermia and Tank Capp, former Grunt) and younger siblings over.
"My, has my little sister Caroline grown," Callum thinks.
It is a nice, old-fashioned family gathering with games of kicky bag and bowls of soup.
This was a long week to play - not only because of the "double time" working at the shop and then playing almost the whole day again when they return home, but also because I wasn't home and could not play for almost 3 weeks. My bathroom has been renovated and I have only moved back into my flat last weekend. Hopefully, I will have some weeks of "normal life" now!
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