For the previous week at this household, click here.
The first of several households with the surname Greenman is located in this modest house.
Gary Greenman is one of Rose Greenman's former plantbabies. He has long since grown up, and turned into a full human as well. He is 55, and his lifetime want is still to marry off six children - something he will most likely not achieve, as he only has three children of his own.
One of them, his youngest, is Glenda. She is a teenager only three days away from growing up. Her lifetime want is to have 20 best friends - suitable for a Popularity Sim. So far, she has 11 best friends.
Glenda's Mum and Gary's wife is Jessica, formerly Picaso. Maybe you remember how, many years ago, her first husband Matthew met his three-bolt-love and moved in with her, leaving his wife and three children behind. With Gary, Jessica found love and happiness again, and had three more children.
She is 72, and her lifetime want has just changed for the second time!! Originally, she wanted to marry off six children, which is why she was so suitable for Gary. Then, she wanted to become Chief of Staff - but she was already an elderly lady when she decided on that, and it was too late. Now, she wants to raise 20 puppies or kittens - something I am definitely NOT going to attempt at this stage in her life. Sorry, Jess, you should have stuck to your first LTW!
Jack is the family dog. He has been around for a long time and is now 28.
On Monday, Glenda makes her best friend # 12 in her grandmother, Rose Greenman. Her older half-sister, Paola Picaso (Jessica's daughter with Matthew), becomes # 13 shortly afterwards.
It is Tuesday morning when I find Jessica dreaming about herself. Maybe she is dreaming about changing her LTW yet again!
Two stray dogs come visiting Jack when she is out to feed the fish.
Gary's best chance at fulfilling his LTW is to turn back into a Plantsim. He needs to spray plants for that, as far as I know, and so I have him do some gardening in spite of the inclement weather.
On Wednesday, the computer breaks. Jessica has learnt to be ressourceful and not waste any money on something she can very well do herself, and even now that the family is not so badly off anymore, she sticks to her old ways.
It is also the day Glenda sets off to college. We are soon going to catch up with her there.
And dear old Jack dies after a long and happy life as a much loved family dog.
Now that Glenda is at uni and Jack has died, Gary and Jessica decide to take an important step: They move to the Senior Residence. Last but not least, it is because Gary has heard that a little girl lives there who was adopted, but both her adoptive parents have recently died. He wants to look into the possibility of adopting the girl himself.
Tom Freshe still lives here, he is 75.
The same is true for his wife Ellen, nee Frost.
And here is Lisa! The little girl has something of a strange childhood here at the Senior Residence. The elderly people are very kind and make sure her needs are cared for, but they are not really educating her apart from once having shown her how to do her homework.
Most of the time, Lisa can do as she pleases.
Even if that means playing with the water wiggler when it is actually way too cold! Luckily, she does not catch a cold that day.
"Old" and new residents eat together on that Sunday night (weekdays have changed with the move).
Jessica and Gary waste no time - it is New Year's Eve, and they invite over as many of the Greenmans and Picasos as can make it.
Lisa proudly helps with serving cookies...
...while Jason Greenman, Gary's father, has the honour of serving the Baked Alaska.
Father Time appears while everyone is still eating.
Without much ado, he joins the party at the table - I don't think I have ever seen him do that before!
Eventually, he remembers what he came here for, and rings in the New Year.
On Monday, the New Year is off to a sad start when Jessica dies. She was 77 and really did not have much time here at the Senior Residence.
On Tuesday, the Freshes are up early (as is so often the case here at the Residence) and play poker.
It is also the day of Lisa...
...turning into a teenager. Her aspiration is Popularity, and she wants to become Hall of Famer. Should be easy enough.
The day is not over yet - when Ellen returns from work, she has Mr. Reaper waiting for her. Ellen was 78.
Poor Tom! Residents here are used to having Mr. Reaper as a frequent guest, but this time it is his own wife. The two of them have been an item since their uni days and went through a lot together.
Wednesday is the last day of this week here. In the morning, I give Lisa back her old hairstyle (she lost it upon age-transitioning). She seems to be glad about that.
After a spot of gardening, Tom decides to give Lisa a treat after school, and they call a taxi.
The taxi takes them to H&M.
Gary meets his sister Lavender Greenman.
As you can see, many other New Maximilianians are here today.
Back home, Lisa makes sure to greet Orlando Ottomas...
...before she goes to her room to change into one of her new outfits.
Well, this was Gary Greenman's week. I would have liked for Jessica to be around a little longer, but it wasn't to be.
Gary has been gardening (and spraying) plants all week - I even put fruit trees up at the Senior Residence - but so far, he has not turned back into a PlantSim.
Also, I have not yet found a way to make him adopt Lisa, not even with the help of the "Tombstone of L and D". Any ideas?
Constantly in the making :-) If you are not familiar with the computer game "The Sims 2", you will probably not really understand what this is all about.
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Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Friday, 6 October 2017
Giselle Goth's Freshman Year
This big house has many rooms, and they are all nicely furnished and decorated. It could be a perfect home to a perfectly happy family, but it isn't. Why not?
Because there is only one lonely Sim living here, young Giselle Goth. She has lost her twin brother, their father and stepmother all in one day during a fire started by a burning pile of leaves in the garden.
Her father was Alexander Goth, her grandparents the legendary Mortimer and Bella Goth.
Four days from adulthood, Giselle's dream of having a large family again is as much alive as ever: One day, she wants to have six grandchildren.
So far, she has not moved to college, in spite of rolling the wish almost daily. But there still Moody to consider, the dear old dog (he is 30), the only household member still around from happier times.
On this Monday morning, Moody plays with the water wiggler on the front lawn while Giselle is at school.
She comes home, thinking how one day she'll get engaged to a nice young man. A nice young man is getting off the school bus after her, but it is a townie teenager, and so I send him away.
Giselle is just about to rub Moody's belly and play razzle with him when he is met by the Grim Reaper for his very last game of fetch. At 31, he was really old, and it was to be expected that he was not going to be around forever, but Giselle is very sad nonetheless.
A few hours later, Nathan Gavigan comes visiting. It seems like the other New Maximilianians take turns in checking in on Giselle's wellbeing every now and then.
"I feel as if I am living under a thick black cloud all the time," Giselle confesses.
Nathan encourages her: "The big black cloud will go away, and the sun will shine for you again." If only Giselle could believe it!
On Tuesday morning, Giselle gets up as usual... and then realises that now she can indeed go to college, without leaving Moody behind! She is rather excited at the idea of starting a new life, but she knows that one day, she wants to return to her old home, filling it again with laughter and joy.
Of course, Giselle's dorm is the only one I am playing these days: Pinenut Plaza.
Here she is, only just arrived and looking a little skeptical. The kimono is a very pretty outfit, but highly impractical, and so she will find something else in the wardrobe.
The other students here at the moment are B'Elanna Beaker and Callum Capp, both Senior Students and a 3-bolt-couple...
Calvin Cho and Dora Dreamer, a Senior and a Sophomore...
...Christoper Capp, yet another Senior...
... and Shane Cho, the only Junior here (the girl is Sunny Wilkie, an NPC student). Maybe you remember that I have added Shane and Calvin, formerly NPC students, to New Maximiliania's residents, because they have the same surname as a pre-made family and count as "relatives".
This semester, Dora Dreamer is the first to finish her term paper, in spite of being ill.
Giselle is not far behind, although she has not yet decided on a Major.
Christopher and B'Elanna finish their semester and are now entering their very last one.
Dora is not even having a sponge bath to bring up her hygiene level - she limits herself to gussy up a little with her pocket mirror. Strangely enough, she can often be seen doing some house cleaning on her own initiative.
Giselle rolls the wish to declare her Major in History, so History it is. With her family all wiped out except for her, but being steeped in the history of New Maximiliania and the entire Simworld, her interest in this subject seems to be only natural.
It is also time to give her a nose, I think!
Like her half-sister Dora, she often does some cleaning around the dorm without anybody having to ask her.
Dora still picks a fight with B'Elanna every chance she gets. Life will be so much more peaceful at this dorm once B'Elanna graduates and leaves, unless of course Dora finds a new victim to vent her aggressive temper on.
Giselle rolls the wish to hug Calvin, but he pushes her back. Oh dear!
But don't worry, the two of them are still friends.
Her first semester is over.
She finishes her term paper early.
B'Elanna and Christopher have just graduated!
But there is always time for one last row with Dora, even at her graduation party.
B'Elanna has invited some old friends as well as her adoptive mother Circe and Beta Beaker.
It is a great party, and even Dora joins in the dancing and good mood.
B'Elanna and two of her friends who also used to live at this dorm when they were still at uni (Wilma Williamson and Meike Riley).
Time to board the taxi to New Max, with Dora of all people waving her good-bye! I wish B'Elanna all the best and hope she will soon make her lifetime want of 50 first dates so that she'll be able to settle with her three-bolt-love, Callum Capp.
It is then Christopher Capp's turn to throw his graduation party. Only his mother Hermia and father Tank as well as younger siblings Cameron and Carolina can make it.
But Christopher does not mind, he is happy to leave uni and finally start on getting five businesses to top level.
Cameron looks a bit embarrassed at seeing his sister and Mom dance the smustle ;-)
Can you believe this is Christopher, waiting for the taxi back to New Max? Along with his graduation robe and hat, he has also shed his ugly pot-like hairstyle... not that this one is much better, but it is what he age-transitioned into.
Giselle will soon complete her first full year, and Dora is confident she will make the Dean's List again.
Callum is the third and last student of this "year" to end his time at uni with a graduation party.
His younger siblings Cameron, Carl and Carolina are here, as well as mother Hermia (not pictured). If the teenagers grow up decide to go to uni, they will already be very familiar with the dorm :-)
Callum leaves, with Shane and Giselle waving good-bye.
And finally, Giselle's Freshman Year is over.
Now there are only the two Cho boys, Giselle and Dora left at the dorm. Who is going to be the next Freshman here? Are Giselle and Calvin going to be more than friends at some stage? Will Dora learn to control her aggressive temper?
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