Constantly in the making :-) If you are not familiar with the computer game "The Sims 2", you will probably not really understand what this is all about.
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Sunday, 3 July 2016
Guy Wrightley and Zoe Zimmerman: Week 4
One of the few apartments still lived in by playables in New Maximiliania is this the one you see here, with the steps leading up to the front door. The apartment is over two storeys, ground floor and top floor.
Two Sims on Permanent Platinum live here - which means (as you know) that I do not control them except for greeting other playables and ordering groceries.
They are Guy Wrightley...
...and Zoe Zimmerman.
Guy reached his lifetime want of becoming General 19 days from Elderhood, while Zoe made 20 best friends 22 days before turning into an Elder.
They know each other from college and are as much in love as they were back when they autonomously chose to be a couple, but even after so many years, neither of them has ever thought of getting married.
Something that has not changed here since I last played this household in December 2014: They are still sick with flues, colds and mysterious diseases nearly all the time, and they still hardly ever prepare group meals.
On this Monday, Zoe has just eaten her favourite dish (salmon - she nearly always prepares that, if she does indeed prepare anything). All that protein-rich food must have a strange effect on her body - look at the way she can contort her arm :-)
When Guy prepares food, it is - depending on the time of day - mostly either omelette or chili con carne. As often as possible, wherever one of them goes, the other isn't far. While Guy mixes the ingredients for yet another bowl of chili, Zoe cleans the counter.
They then swap places and Zoe cleans the other counter while Guy cooks.
They do love each other lots, in spite of "only" having 2 bolts.
Still on Monday, Zoe greets Ripp Grunt. I don't know why the ladies are so fond of him, I really don't!
One of the Ottomas boys; Orlando or Odell, if I am not mistaken.
That night at 6.00 pm, Zoe turns into an elderly lady. Guy is quite a bit younger than her; we won't see him age-transitioning until next round.
Tuesday morning starts with Zoe cleaning the stove. She does quite a lot of autonomous cleaning all week, but nobody ever picks up the party debris still around from the previous week, or empties the overflowing bin.
When Guy is at work, Zoe seems a little lost. Well, she could recycle the old newspaper, for instance.
Nobody paid the rent yesterday, so the landlord comes to collect it personally. I can't remember having waited long enough for this to happen before in my game.
Ariel Capp passes by and is greeted...
...followed by Christian Love.
When Guy returns from work, Nigel Newson and (background) Stephanie Stacks join the group.
Christian is back on Wednesday.
A rare occurrence: Zoe makes a group meal! I guess you can't make turkey as a single meal. This is Thursday morning.
Later, Zoe decides to clean the shower and toilet on her own accord.
Guy returns from work just as Carolina Capp comes by - jogging in her ballet outfit :-) Jimmy Phoenix is the colleague getting off the army helicopter with Guy today.
Guy does not forget to get the bills from the mail box - without me telling him to - but he does not pay them. Instead, he carefully places them on the pavement.
He has the day off on Friday and greets Roxie Sharpe.
Later, he cooks chili again, while Zoe contents herself with a can of juice.
She then greets Prezioso Picaso.
The bills are still there, red and yellow ones!
Guy has pork chops on Saturday for breakfast.
The Repo Man looks nastier than he is...
...he only takes away the curtains and a vase of flowers from the living/dining area...
...and another vase of flowers from the bedroom. He seems to be thinking he can't really take away much from this elderly lady who is already on the brink of starvation! (Not for lack of money, of course, but for lack of intelligence!)
Were it not for the landlord hosting his customary block party and the hot dogs served, Zoe would have probably died that day.
Later, she gratefully takes the plate of pork chops Guy has just prepared... for himself, actually.
Early on Sunday morning, Zoe starts building a snowman but does not get very far. Everything she does now is constantly interrupted either by a coughing fit or because she is nearly starving.
She is so desperate for food that she even eats the left-over rotting pork chops! Why, I wonder, doesn't she cook something instead? The fridge is nowhere near empty, I've checked!
The week ends with Zoe skipping rope in the bedroom while Guy is fast asleep. He will turn into an Elder tomorrow - well, their tomorrow, not mine. I will return to this household many months from now.
Is Zoe going to survive long enough to see Guy age up? Will they then express the wish to get married? Are they going to move to the Senior Residence eventually?
- - -
We have reached not only the end of the alphabetical list of surnames with "Zimmerman", but also the end of this round - # 6 - of playing New Maximiliania.
Before I'll begin # 7, I want to a) re-organize the 'hood, integrating the lots & houses from the other Maxis-made hoods, and b) play Sims 3 and/or Sims 4 for a while.
Also, in about 3 weeks, I'll be leaving for my annual Yorkshire holiday - something I am very much looking forward to, but of course it will mean no Sims during that time.
Francis J. Worthington: Week 4
Yes, you're reading correctly - I have finally corrected the spelling error in this Sim's first name which has been bugging me from Day One! Up until now, this Maxis-made Sim went by the name of Frances, in spite of him being male. I don't like typos generally, and especially not in people's and place names, and so I finally used the Tombstone of L and D to give "Frances" his proper name - he is now Francis.
It's been a long time since I last played his household; December 2014, to be precise. Back then, I was still experiencing strange graphics bugs in New Maximiliania. Maybe you remember how half of Francis' house was overlayed by another lot; if not, you can have a look at the pictures of that strange phenomenon here. xxx
Now his house looks bug-free, and I am ready to play Francis through his fourth week after graduation. But wait... something has changed: his Lifetime want!
He used to dream of having six pets reach the top of their careers, but upon entering the lot now, I find that he has given up that idea and wants to become Space Pirate instead.
Here he is, getting up on that Monday morning to a new chapter in his life. He had been doing well so far; his two pets had already reached three tops of careers, so he was halfway there already. But what can you do when a Sim changes his mind?
Here is Kim, the Kat. She had reached the top of the Entertainment career last round and had already started to work in her next career. Abbey here had already two career tops under her belt: Rescue Pet and Star. But Francis rings both his pets' work places and quits their jobs for them. They have worked so hard - now they can just be pets, nothing more, and enjoy life at home.
On Tuesday, Francis finds a job in the Adventurer career first thing in the morning. He is now a "Multiregional Sim of some question", whatever that means! Before he starts work, though, he greets Nervous Singles, recently widowed husband of Erin Singles. His first day on the job is not very successful, though: Due to the wrong decision with a chance card, he is demoted to Spelunker.
That chance card is, by the way, one of several I have never seen before in my game (at least I can not remember them) that appear during this round with Francis.
Good job he can fly back to work on his broomstick straight afterwards - and gets his former position back as if by magic :-) (Francis inherited Herb Goodie's book of spells and cauldron when his fatherly friend felt the day of his departure from this world was not far.)
Wednesday morning, the bathtub breaks. Because Abbey is in desperate need of a bath, Francis does not bother calling the repair service but does the job himself and then gives Abbey a thorough bath.
Cornwall Capp walks by and is politely greeted by Francis.
He's been wanting to throw a party for a while now and does not have to go to work today, so I have him invite his 8 best friends over. Do you know who is who?
That's eight altogether, if I have counted correctly.
For a change, Francis does not have to eat his meal all alone.
Sirius Swain walks by on Thursday morning, just as the mail carrier leaves after having placed the usual bills in Francis' mail box.
Frances is promoted to Deep Sea Excavator.
This calls for an increased level of fitness, and he diligently works out in front of the TV. It being autumn plus the use of the Thinking Cap help :-) It is still dark when on this Friday morning, Charlie the wolf visits his old friend Abbey again.
Not a good day for Francis - he is not only demoted, but fired, after yet another (hitherto unkwown) chance card. Friend Mickey Pilferson (former Dosser) appears just in time to encourage his old college chum. Next on today's guest list is Gabriella Newson.
Francis' situation is precarious: He only has two days before aging up, and desperately needs to get back into the Adventurer career if he ever wants to reach his LTW. So far, he's not been lucky. On Saturday, he carefully checks his book of spells for something helpful when it comes to work and careers. But the book does not say anything about work, and Francis can't do anything but hope and keep looking on the Simternet. Orlando Ottomas passes by and is greeted.
He was followd by Christopher Capp a little later, and the two lads don't seem to mind Francis' burnt pork chops too much. School seems to be the most interesting subject to all three, believe it or not! While the two boys are still there, Francis attempts to repair the trash compactor. You can see the result! He sends his guests home and goes to bed, hoping for a better day tomorrow.
And Sunday is indeed a better day! First thing in the morning, Francis manages to get back his job as Multiregional Sim of some question. This calls for another party, and the same guests as earlier this week reappear. No burnt pork chops this time! It's a great party, and Francis can end his week on a happy note.
He'll turn into an Elder at the start of his next week, but it'll be a while before I'll get round to play him again. In the meantime, I hope his LTW won't change again! Also, I wonder whether there will be more unknown chance cards; hopefully, he won't get fired again. And what about love - will he remain on his own forever?
It's been a long time since I last played his household; December 2014, to be precise. Back then, I was still experiencing strange graphics bugs in New Maximiliania. Maybe you remember how half of Francis' house was overlayed by another lot; if not, you can have a look at the pictures of that strange phenomenon here. xxx
Now his house looks bug-free, and I am ready to play Francis through his fourth week after graduation. But wait... something has changed: his Lifetime want!
He used to dream of having six pets reach the top of their careers, but upon entering the lot now, I find that he has given up that idea and wants to become Space Pirate instead.
Here he is, getting up on that Monday morning to a new chapter in his life. He had been doing well so far; his two pets had already reached three tops of careers, so he was halfway there already. But what can you do when a Sim changes his mind?
Here is Kim, the Kat. She had reached the top of the Entertainment career last round and had already started to work in her next career. Abbey here had already two career tops under her belt: Rescue Pet and Star. But Francis rings both his pets' work places and quits their jobs for them. They have worked so hard - now they can just be pets, nothing more, and enjoy life at home.
On Tuesday, Francis finds a job in the Adventurer career first thing in the morning. He is now a "Multiregional Sim of some question", whatever that means! Before he starts work, though, he greets Nervous Singles, recently widowed husband of Erin Singles. His first day on the job is not very successful, though: Due to the wrong decision with a chance card, he is demoted to Spelunker.
That chance card is, by the way, one of several I have never seen before in my game (at least I can not remember them) that appear during this round with Francis.
Good job he can fly back to work on his broomstick straight afterwards - and gets his former position back as if by magic :-) (Francis inherited Herb Goodie's book of spells and cauldron when his fatherly friend felt the day of his departure from this world was not far.)
Wednesday morning, the bathtub breaks. Because Abbey is in desperate need of a bath, Francis does not bother calling the repair service but does the job himself and then gives Abbey a thorough bath.
Cornwall Capp walks by and is politely greeted by Francis.
He's been wanting to throw a party for a while now and does not have to go to work today, so I have him invite his 8 best friends over. Do you know who is who?
That's eight altogether, if I have counted correctly.
For a change, Francis does not have to eat his meal all alone.
Sirius Swain walks by on Thursday morning, just as the mail carrier leaves after having placed the usual bills in Francis' mail box.
Frances is promoted to Deep Sea Excavator.
This calls for an increased level of fitness, and he diligently works out in front of the TV. It being autumn plus the use of the Thinking Cap help :-) It is still dark when on this Friday morning, Charlie the wolf visits his old friend Abbey again.
Not a good day for Francis - he is not only demoted, but fired, after yet another (hitherto unkwown) chance card. Friend Mickey Pilferson (former Dosser) appears just in time to encourage his old college chum. Next on today's guest list is Gabriella Newson.
Francis' situation is precarious: He only has two days before aging up, and desperately needs to get back into the Adventurer career if he ever wants to reach his LTW. So far, he's not been lucky. On Saturday, he carefully checks his book of spells for something helpful when it comes to work and careers. But the book does not say anything about work, and Francis can't do anything but hope and keep looking on the Simternet. Orlando Ottomas passes by and is greeted.
He was followd by Christopher Capp a little later, and the two lads don't seem to mind Francis' burnt pork chops too much. School seems to be the most interesting subject to all three, believe it or not! While the two boys are still there, Francis attempts to repair the trash compactor. You can see the result! He sends his guests home and goes to bed, hoping for a better day tomorrow.
And Sunday is indeed a better day! First thing in the morning, Francis manages to get back his job as Multiregional Sim of some question. This calls for another party, and the same guests as earlier this week reappear. No burnt pork chops this time! It's a great party, and Francis can end his week on a happy note.
He'll turn into an Elder at the start of his next week, but it'll be a while before I'll get round to play him again. In the meantime, I hope his LTW won't change again! Also, I wonder whether there will be more unknown chance cards; hopefully, he won't get fired again. And what about love - will he remain on his own forever?
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